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A Husband’s Perspective on a Postpartum Body
While a wife may assume that her body is less attractive to her husband after having children, this husband explains why the postpartum body is something to be treasured.
The Gospel and Our Marriages
It doesn’t take long for us to realize that our fairytale visions of marriage are just that—a fairytale. In real life, marriage tends to be much harder than we imagined. But it can also be much richer. Here’s good news for real marriages.
Remembering My Passion for My Husband
Our marriages are small glimpses of the love of Christ for his Church. His sacrificial and joyful expression of love should move us towards our spouses with renewed delight.
When Physical Intimacy is Hard
Because we’re all broken by sin, we experience some level of sexual brokenness. But in your marriage relationship, God can provide progressive freedom from condemnation and shame in Christ.
Painting a Gospel Picture of Marriage for Young Children
Sometimes our kids’ questions catch us off guard, especially when they ask why people don’t do things God’s way. With so many differing opinions around them, they’ll definitely be asking about marriage. Can you answer them faithfully?
Tell Your Husband You Love Him
I know you don't feel deserving of his love and admiration. I mean, you wipe butts for a living and still need to lose 15 lbs. from that last baby. But he does love you and somehow still thinks you're beautiful - and you love him all the more for it.
You love him.
So tell him.
When Littles Make You Want to Check Out in Marriage
Life with little ones can make marriage challenging at times...
The dates you promised to go on with some regularity are shortened by a nursing baby that won't take a bottle.
The idea of going out of town for a getaway can be unrealistic when you have to find willing and available childcare.
The ability to watch a movie at home is even rare, if you share your bedroom with a baby crib and can barely keep your eyes open past 9:30.
Even so, it's still possible to have a healthy and thriving marriage in the season of babies and small children. Especially when you recognize it's more about making the small daily choices than waiting on all the big romantic gestures.
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