a new book from risen motherhood co-founders

Trying to find
God’s will for
your motherhood?

As moms, we’re surrounded by a lot of messages of who we “should” be and what we “should” do. But in Christ, there’s incredible freedom to be a mom who is unique and individual, while glorifying God and being faithful in motherhood. Not sure what that looks like? That’s exactly why the Risen Motherhood co-founders, Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler, wrote these books.

Gospel Mom: How to Make Biblical Decisions and Discover the Mom God Created You to Be, along with its companion workbook Becoming a Gospel Mom, is now available anywhere books are sold.

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Be the mom you were made to be.

Making decisions in motherhood is hard.
But not impossible. 

All of us want to be called “good moms,” but clenching that title feels like a moving target. Each decision in motherhood seems to present a thousand overwhelming options, or our circumstances suddenly change and we can’t keep up with “the plan,” or we see another mom making different choices and begin to doubt our own.

But when we can plant our feet firmly in the hope of the gospel, we find the freedom to be the unique mom God created each of us to be. Suddenly, the pressure to fit the mold doesn’t carry as much weight—and that’s where we find freedom.

If you’re ready for the gospel-meets-motherhood crash course, you’ve found it.

Join Risen Motherhood cofounders Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler to explore what it truly means to be a gospel mom—a woman who is renewed by Christ’s righteousness, knows her mission and purpose, and lives free from guilt and unhealthy comparison. 

While the book comes with discussion questions included after each chapter, to take you even deeper Emily and Laura created a companion workbook, Becoming a Gospel Mom with additional questions, activities, and exercises. Consider Gospel Mom the class, and Becoming a Gospel Mom the application. This, mom, is your handbook to setting aside all those “I’m a fill-in-the-blank mom” temptations and pursuing what matters: becoming a gospel mom

Gospel Mom on Audiobook

Listen to a Sample from Gospel Mom

A legacy product for the Risen Motherhood ministry, Gospel Mom and its companion workbook, Becoming A Gospel Mom are like Emily and Laura’s brains in a book. This is their manifesto. Their crash course. Their masterclass on gospel-centered motherhood.

And it’s yours for the taking.

Ready to Dive In with all of Your Mom Pals?

We LOVE that idea! Click here for our free Book Club Kit, which includes some of our favorite recipes, tips for organizing your group, and printable prayer cards for the whole crew. Happy reading!

We need more than just to know what to do.
We need to know who to be.

For Group or Solo Study

Take Gospel Mom even further with its companion workbook, Becoming A Gospel Mom

It’s like a Bible study on gospel-centered motherhood, but with more questions, activities, and exercises written just for you.

Maybe you know the gospel matters for your motherhood, but bridging the gap between knowing and doing feels overwhelming. Enter: Becoming a Gospel Mom. Authors Emily and Laura created this companion workbook for solo study or in a group, and it’s the closest thing to a Bible study Emily and Laura have ever produced. Each chapter of the workbook corresponds with the same chapter from Gospel Mom and includes insightful and challenging questions. As friends, fellow moms, and expert guides, Emily and Laura will walk you step-by-step through the practices and thinking of how to rest in the grace of Christ to gain peace and assurance in your motherhood.

Sound like what you’re looking for, mom?

Order Your workbook Today!

“A Gospel Mom isn’t loyal to a modern lifestyle or method, subculture, or stereotype. She doesn’t just blindly copy her mom or her friends at church or her favorite influencer. She’s loyal to the King of Kings and submits to his leading in all things.”

— Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler, Gospel Mom

This book is for the mom who…

  • Longs to understand what kind of mom God wants her to be 

  • Feels confused about her circumstances and wants to be content with the motherhood God gave her

  • Wants a tested method for applying the gospel to every situation

  • Needs direction and wisdom from scripture about a big decision she's facing in motherhood

  • Worries about making different decisions than her friends, the influencers she follows, or even her own mom

  • Feels like a “bad mom” and needs hope and guidance.

  • Desires to remove the fangs of fear from the threat of "doing the wrong thing" as a Christian mom

  • Wants to link arms with other moms in her Christian community to find unity amidst differences

Homesteading mom, urban mom, overseas missionary mom, crunchy mom, gentle-parenting mom, homeschool mom, empowered mom, trendy mom, influencer mom, stay-at-home mom, career mom, chill mom, clean living mom, I-do-what-I-want mom, you-can’t-put-me-in-a-box mom….GOSPEL MOM.

About the Authors

Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler are the co-founders of the Risen Motherhood ministry and co-hosts of the chart-topping podcast. They are also in the trenches of motherhood, right alongside their readers. With a combination of accessibility, relatability, and solid biblical knowledge, Emily and Laura have a knack for simplifying complex scriptural truths, helping you relate and apply them to everyday life. God has consistently and powerfully used the voices of these two moms to captivate women around the world with the gospel. As sisters-in-law, Emily and Laura both live in central Iowa with their families.

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Complete the Collection

Gospel Mom is just one of the books in the Risen Motherhood Legacy Collection. Want them all? Here ya go: