Ep. 140 || “I’m Just So Worried About It!”: How to Change Our Worry to Worship
Moms are no strangers to worry. We daily consider the possibility of danger, hurt feelings, or stressful situations. We turn hypothetical situations around in our heads, trying to find solutions, but it feels like everything is just beyond our control. And so we worry. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel changes our worry. As moms in a broken world, we know we’re going to ask ourselves, “What if?” and, “What then?” But what do we do when we start to dwell on those questions? We train our minds with the promises of God found in Christ. As our trust in God’s care deepens, our worry can become worship.
If you’re reading Risen Motherhood while listening to the show this week, check out chapter five: The Gospel and Our Transitions.
Mentioned on the Show:
“God doesn’t give hypothetical grace for your hypothetical situation.” -Kathy Keller
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Related R|M resources:
Ep. 16, When the World is Scary: Mothering in Faith, Not Fear
“The Calling of Motherhood for the Worrisome Mother” Lara d’Entremont
Around the Web:
We’re grateful to Harvest House for making this week’s show possible. Looking for a new resource for your kiddos? Check out the Baby Believer board books, Love Made, or Bible Infographics for Kids!
R|M Apply Questions:
Worry is a normal part of motherhood, because it’s a normal response to life in a broken world. What things cause you worry? What’s the difference between thinking about and dwelling on a potential danger or hardship?
Consider life in the Garden of Eden before the fall. Would Adam and Eve have worried? How did the fall change the relationship between God and people?
We need to prayerfully consider solutions to potential problems in our homes, but we also need to recognize that we can’t create the deep peace we and our children truly need. The best we can do is offer fig-leaf solutions. How is Jesus our perfect peace in life—presently and eternally?
God can use worry for our benefit as we learn about stewardship and wisdom. How can worry motivate you towards godly living? In what ways has he taught you?
Turning our worry to worship requires retraining our minds with God’s truth and remembering God’s past faithfulness. How can you preach the gospel to yourself in times of worry? Which stories about his love and mercy most encourage you?
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