School, What We're Still Talking About (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood School, What We're Still Talking About (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

What We’re Still Talking About 04: School Choice

God calls all of us to train our children up in the ways of the Lord (Prov. 22:6), but when our kids become school-age, our options for helping them learn subjects like math and reading abound. Should we send our kids to public school, enroll them in private school, or homeschool? Is there only one right way for all Christian families? In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the topic of school choice, encouraging moms to thoughtfully evaluate risks, be invested in their education, and outline practical steps we can take as we determine the right fit for our kids’ schooling. There are a lot of voices out there that push us one way or another, but the gospel gives us freedom to prayerfully pursue what is right for our individual children and families.

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School Risen Motherhood School Risen Motherhood

Ep. 95 || Irene Sun on Homeschool: Freedom in Education Choices, Part 3

Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel—in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk to Irene Sun, a pastor’s wife, mom, and author, about her experience as a mom who homeschools. Because our identities are found in Christ alone, we have nothing to prove to ourselves or anyone else. This should cause us all to breathe a sigh of relief. The lives of our children are safe in the hands of God.

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