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Eyes to See Glimpses of Grace
Intentionally seeking out evidence of God’s grace—in ourselves, our children, and even our circumstances—is a powerful and practical way to battle discouragement in motherhood.
Not as the World: Finding Peace in Motherhood
In the midst of motherhood’s incessant demands, Christ offers us a peace greater than any quiet moment or hot cup of coffee.
Just You Wait: Looking Ahead with Hope
As we experience different stages of motherhood, we can faithfully cast a vision of God’s faithfulness for those in seasons behind us.
Catching our Reflections in the Lives of Our Children
When we see our sin reflected in our children, we have an opportunity to talk to them about their need for grace and God’s power to change us.
Embracing a Joy-Filled Definition of Motherhood
As Christians we know our true source of joy is in Christ. So why are we still grumpy?
When Your Husband Isn't the Father You Imagined: Gracious Truths for the Disillusioned Mom
I remember the first time I ever saw my husband with a baby. I found myself in a daydream in that moment, as love struck young women do, of what it would be like to raise a family with this kind, servant-hearted, steady man.
The daydream crumbled shortly after we came home from the hospital with our newborn son four years later.
Those first few weeks were really difficult. Caring for our child came much more naturally to me. Gradually, I started to just do things myself instead of asking for help because it was easier that way, but it didn't stop resentment from growing in my heart. I had looked forward to all the ways that parenthood would make us closer and more in love, but those first few months were nothing like I had imagined.
It was so much lonelier.
I wish I could sit down for coffee with that grieving, disillusioned mama and offer her the encouragement in this article, but instead, I pray that if you are struggling the way that I was in that first year, that this article would meet you in that place and offer hope.
Your Father sees, hears, and knows.
Your Father has given you all that you need.
Your Father is sovereign over this season.
Your Father is able to change hearts.
So this Father’s Day, if you have experienced something similar, celebrate your husband for what he is: the father of your children.
Reach deeply for the things he is doing well. Encourage him with the ways that you see God working in him and through him.Tell him that you know what a great responsibility it is and how much of a challenge it is and how you are committed to supporting him and praying for him.
Most of all, feel the blessing of your heavenly Father loving you not according to what you have done, but because of who you are in Christ, and extend that same patience, grace, and favor to your spouse.
Desires Unfulfilled: What to Do When God Says "No"
Something was wrong.
I couldn't yet pinpoint the problem, but I could feel the effects of it in my soul and see it in the way I treated my family. Impatience with my daughter for not immediately understanding her new math concept. Anger against my boys for having constant, messy needs. Frustration towards my husband over things which he had no control. Discouragement and despair over my daily goals and relationships. Why was I so low? I dug around in my mind a bit and came up with a few specific things over which I was especially disappointed.
Hey Moms, Look Up
I look down at my shoes, worn black Vans, and rub the dried formula off the toe. I hastily tuck my hair behind my ears and catch my baby girl smiling at me from the corner of my eye. I move to the stove to look down at the oatmeal I'm making for breakfast, stirring in raisins and obscene amounts of peanut butter to try to hold off the request for a snack for at least a couple hours.
There's this thing I've noticed when you become a mom, it happens abruptly beginning with the first night of the first babe, yet I'd be willing to bet that most moms don't even notice it happening. It's subtle, a common thread among all of motherhood - but one that would rather not be noticed, not be plucked out and put on display.
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