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A Gospel Dressing Room
Just as we willingly (and repeatedly!) stand by to help our children get dressed, so is the Spirit pleased to help us daily put on Christ’s righteousness.
Fight Fear and Worry with God’s Truth
Scripture memorization helps us reroute runaway thoughts and refresh our hearts with God’s power over our sin and struggles.
Modeling the Way: Guiding Little Hearts to Love God’s Church
Passing along a love of God’s global church to our children requires letting his Spirit first cultivate that love in our hearts.
A Mom’s Moment of Silence
Within our noisy, demanding lives, we can creatively embrace the moments of emptiness, quietness, and loneliness we do have as opportunities to commune with our God.
Why Raising Our Kids in the Local Church Matters
Even when it’s difficult, prioritizing worship and fellowship with a local church body helps shape our children in the love of Christ.
Eyes to See Glimpses of Grace
Intentionally seeking out evidence of God’s grace—in ourselves, our children, and even our circumstances—is a powerful and practical way to battle discouragement in motherhood.
God Won’t Waste Your Life
When our motherhood achievements don’t feel valuable or impressive enough, we can remind our hearts of the freedom, the call, and the glory of Christ.
A Sure and Steadfast Guide
In life and in motherhood, we need something permanent and immovable to cling to—our Solid Rock.
Held Together: Finding Rest in the One Who Keeps the Rhythm
When we fail to maintain perfect order and rhythm in our homes and families, we can gratefully lean on the God who holds all things together by his sovereign power.
When Scripture Memorization Meets Us in Our Mothering
When the Word is planted deep in our hearts and minds, we have it at the ready for every challenging moment of motherhood.
The Nourished Mom
While we can subsist on snacks for a while, our bodies—and our souls—need well-rounded, nourishing meals in order to thrive.
The Good Things: Seeing God’s Work in Our Hearts and Homes
Whether or not we always see it, there are good things happening in our homes day to day because of the Spirit’s power and presence with us.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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