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The Fear of Failure and the Mercy of Christ
When we fear our own failure as moms, we can remember that those in Christ never ultimately fail—because his perfect performance has been credited to our account.
Real Rest for Weary Moms
To be sustained in gospel motherhood, we need the soul renewal that only Christ can bring.
A Liturgy for When a Parent Is Exhausted
In the emptiness of our own exhaustion, we can cry out to the Lord for restoration—of soul, mind, and strength.
Held Together: Finding Rest in the One Who Keeps the Rhythm
When we fail to maintain perfect order and rhythm in our homes and families, we can gratefully lean on the God who holds all things together by his sovereign power.
Strains of the Season: Sleep
Amidst demanding holiday schedules, sleep is a gift from God to steward for ourselves and our children—a reminder that he holds all things together.
Moms, Encourage Like This
As we enter into other moms’ lives with words of hope and support, we can point them to the better encouragement of Christ Jesus.
How Looking to Christ Lifts the Weight of Motherhood
Fixing our eyes on Christ and his perfection frees us from the burden of our own imperfections and failures as moms.
Our Limits Are Good
God ordains our limits in motherhood and uses them for our flourishing—an invitation to find hope, rest, and purpose in him.
Finding Rest for Our Souls: Letting Go of Our Burdens and Taking Up What Christ Offers Instead
Christ offers us the truest rest and deepest relief for our exhaustion that we can’t find anywhere else.
A Mother’s Hope
Those first few months when my son was a newborn were hard. I slept between feedings during the night. I followed the night time cycle mothers know all too well: feed, sleep an hour or two, and feed again. Repeat.
In the morning, I’d calculate in my mind how many total hours of sleep I got from the interrupted sleep I caught in between feedings. ‘Six. That’s not bad. You can make it on six,’ I’d tell myself. Despite my pep talk, I couldn’t make it. I was exhausted.
Over time, I became obsessed with sleep. It was an elusive thing that always moved farther out of my reach. I strategized ways to get more. But even when I did lie down to sleep, the slightest noise would awaken me. Sometimes no matter how tired I was, I couldn’t fall asleep. I told myself, ‘If only I got a solid eight hours. I’d be a happier person. I’d be a better mom.’
You could say I worshipped sleep.
What? Worship sleep? You might think it’s impossible to worship something we need, something that is good for us. In truth, even good things become idols when we turn to them to give us life and hope.
...For moms, the best way to determine if something is an idol is to look at how we handle the daily stresses and pressures of motherhood. Because, to be honest, motherhood is hard and filled with hard and challenging days. There are always interrupted plans, sick children, temper tantrums, overwhelming chaos, and bone-weary days.
...But our God is faithful. He promised to send a Savior and he did. We need to steep our hearts in the Word of God, reading and rereading what God did for us by sending his Son to redeem us from sin. If God rescued us from our worst fear—eternal separation from him—how can he not also deliver us from our current fears?
...Moms, we do need help and hope. Motherhood is challenging and sometimes downright hard. But our help and hope are not found in a change of circumstances, in a pint of ice cream, or in a new parenting method. Our hope is found in Christ, in who he is and what he has done for us. He is our help and our source of life.
Jesus, Our Anchor in Suffering
In the midst of dark storms like postpartum depression, a scary medical diagnosis, or shepherding a rebellious child, we can cling to these truths: Jesus understands us, he prays for us, and he will never fail or leave us.
A God Who Serves Mothers
At the end of a long day of mothering and meeting needs, how sweet it is to know that God invites us to bring our own needs and emptiness in exchange for his strength and rest.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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