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A Disruptive Welcome
Serving and sharing what we have with moms around us will often disrupt our lives on some level, but God can use it in incredible ways for his kingdom.
Tending the Soil of a Surrendered Heart
In the death of our dreams and expectations, we find God growing the fruit of his better plans for us and our families.
Crushing Christmas
When we feel the pressure to “crush it” at Christmas, we can lift our eyes to the One whose perfect performance is our resting place.
Thy Kingdom Come
We can learn to see the limitations and needs around us not in terms of doors closing on our plans but rather doors opening to God’s greater plan.
He Sets the Pace: Learning to Surrender to God’s Timeline
The many interruptions and unmet expectations of motherhood are an opportunity to slow down and learn to walk at God’s pace—in the good works which he has prepared for us.
Strains of the Season: Family Frustrations
We can practically prepare our hearts for family tensions or conflicts that may arise during the holidays, while resting in the ultimate hope of belonging to Christ’s family.
Strains of the Season: Expectations
The gospel frames our holiday expectations with both reality and hope—we live in a fallen world, but we serve a God who brings blessing and growth from unexpected places.
Everyone Has a Dream: Navigating In-Law Expectations
The gospel redefines our expectations as we choose to approach our in-law relationships with prayer, believing the best, intentional listening, and a heart to serve.
Two Truths and a Lie about Celebrating Advent
Whether we celebrate Advent in big or small ways (or maybe no way at all), we can shift our focus this Christmas off what we do as moms to what Christ has already done for us in the gospel.
When Holiday Expectations Fall Short
Unmet expectations around the holidays remind us of our need for divine rescue and God’s provision in Christ—the true reason for the season.
Joy: Why Motherhood Doesn’t Have to be Ideal to Have Joy
Joy doesn’t come from an ideal day of motherhood, it comes from the One who is sovereign over all of our days.
I'm Not the Mom I Thought I'd Be
We may not be the moms we thought we’d be, but in Christ, we can be moms who cling to the cross and rest in God’s sufficiency.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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