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Like Mama, Like Son: Facing Anxiety Together
When anxious thoughts multiply, we can take comfort in the hope of the gospel and Christ’s promises to redeem us from all the brokenness and suffering of the fall.
3 Truths to Remember at the Start of a New School Year
When we or our kids are wrestling with back-to-school worries, we can remember our unchanging God—who was, and is, and always will be . . . faithful.
When We Fear the Worst
No matter what he calls us to walk through, God is trustworthy and good, and so we can trade our fears for faith.
Christ’s Comfort When Our Children Suffer
Jesus both understands the deep pain of human suffering and has triumphed over it as divine King over all, so we can entrust our children’s hurts to him.
Peace When You Need It Most
Hannah’s honest, desperate prayer in 1 Samuel models how we can turn to the God of peace in the midst of our own overwhelm.
Praying the Word: When You Fear the “What-ifs”
When we fear the unknown, we can pray to the Lord—he is our hope now and forever.
The Calling of Motherhood for the Worrisome Mother
Motherhood is a tandem walk with trust and obedience. Let go of your worry, and see that God is good.
Hope for the Worries of Tomorrow
“I’m pretty good at imagining possible outcomes. If I could clock overtime for the number of hours I’ve laid awake at night thinking through plans, hopes, & concerns for the coming days, I’d be an incredibly wealthy woman! The waste of it, however, is tremendous.
It doesn’t matter how prepared I am. Something can always go wrong. It doesn’t matter how worried I am. A solution may come in the morning. It doesn’t matter how afraid I am. The bad news may never materialize. It doesn’t matter how excited I am. Plans can change in a heartbeat.
James warns his readers about wasting too much of today’s energy & opportunity on schemes to control the future. He writes, ‘Come now you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such & such a town & spend a year there & trade & make a profit’—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.’
As moms, we experience these shifts in plans all the time. Your plans to achieve a master’s degree are derailed when the pregnancy test shows a plus sign. You’re about to head out the door when a diaper explosion rocks the baby carrier. The birthday party guests are due to arrive any minute when your toddler spikes a high fever & pulls at both ears. All the kids are having great fun until your child breaks an arm.
We can imagine, plan, & scheme all we want to; nevertheless, tomorrow’s interruptions & delays will often override the best-laid plans.
...Even though it’s okay to think ahead & make plans, our worry shouldn’t outpace today’s circumstances. Jesus doesn’t encourage us by taking away our troubles. He doesn’t smooth out life’s journey so that we never experience any inconveniences or fears or struggles.
He reminds us that he already knows what’s around the corner: more trouble. Until this life ends, trouble will always spring up to greet us. We can’t control the struggles we will encounter, but we can rest in the one who carries us through the messes of life.
Our great King promises to walk with us and to help us.”
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
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