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Mothering Through Physical Limitations
Weak and wasting bodies teach us dependence on the Lord in the here-and-now and deepen our hope in the eternal renewal to come.
A Liturgy for the Mom Walking through a Child’s Diagnosis
In our anguish over a child’s diagnosis, we can prayerfully cast ourselves on the God who is our Creator, Father, Sustainer, omnipresent Guide, and Savior.
Praying the Word: When Your Child Faces a Medical Crisis
In the grief and uncertainty of walking our child through a medical crisis, we can hold tight to the Great High Priest who understands our weaknesses and intercedes on our behalf.
When Grandparents Are Sick
Though having sick grandparents alters the memories our kids can make with them, the lessons about suffering and eternity they’ll learn in the process are priceless.
Hope for Mamas with Sick Babies
In the midst of nurturing a sick little one, we can find hope in the fact that God is both Comforter and Creator.
When All Goes Dark: Christmas Reflections on Grief and Light
In the darkness of grief and suffering, Christmas is our promise of Light. Jesus—the Dawn from on High—has come to redeem and restore all things.
God with Us: Finding Immanuel in Our Toughest Trials
The truth we celebrate at Christmas—that Christ has come to be Immanuel, “God with us”—is the truth that also anchors us through our deepest valleys.
Grief’s Good Gifts
God’s gifts of grace are often hidden in the most unexpected places—even amidst our suffering and sorrows.
When We Fear the Worst
No matter what he calls us to walk through, God is trustworthy and good, and so we can trade our fears for faith.
The Grief of a Child’s Diagnosis
Through all the stages of grieving a child’s diagnosis, we can lean into God’s love and look for the evidences of his faithful care.
Jesus Sees: Mothering Through Chronic Illness
Through the unseen struggles of chronic illness, we can take heart that Jesus sees us in our weakness—just as he did the bleeding woman in Scripture.
Not Right Away
As God calls us to shed our self-reliance in life and motherhood—depending daily on his grace instead—we can look ahead with hope to his greater purposes for us.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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