What We’re Still Talking About 06: Discipleship
As moms, we feel the weight of preparing our kids for so many things in life, from the early years of potty training to applying for their first job. But as believers, we also feel the weight of something far greater: the call to train them up in godliness, reminding them that the Bible is true and God is worthy of our obedience. In this interview with Hillary Morgan Ferrer and Amy Davison of Mama Bear Apologetics, Emily and Laura discuss what it looks like to equip our children with a biblical worldview and good critical thinking skills as they engage secular culture. Let’s point our children to the God who is unchanging, real, and true, who can hold them through the storms and pressures of the world.
Ep. 179 || Make a Joyful Noise
There’s just something about music that helps us remember things we’ve learned in a way that other methods can’t match! In this episode, Emily and Laura celebrate our opportunity to worship God through song. No matter what our singing voices sound like, we can all benefit from remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness through shared songs in the Christian faith. By inviting these moments of worship into our homes, we’re able to experience the joy of knowing God and resting in his promises as a whole family.
Ep. 175 || Emily & Laura's Favorite Things
At R|M, we love sharing great resources! In this all new episode, Emily and Laura share a Top 10 List of best products to encourage and equip us in our relationship with the Lord along with gift ideas for kids and some of their personal favorite books. As much as we love these beautiful, intentional, and creative resources, we hope they ultimately point you to Christ and his word. Resources can be helpful, but only God’s word is essential.
Ep. 169 || Kids Say the Darndest Things with Trillia Newbell
Kids say the darndest things sometimes, don’t they? Maybe it’s a comment about someone’s hair while you’re in line at the grocery store or they ask a question about someone’s dialect when you have a neighbor over for dinner, but no matter where it happens, it’s normal for children to show curiosity about God’s diverse design. In this episode, Trillia Newbell joins Emily and Laura to share practical ways we can explain God’s very good idea about diversity to our children, exposing them to different types of people with joy and transparency. The gospel speaks a better word than our culture—affirming that all people are made in the image of God and should be loved as such.
Ep. 160 || Walking in the Spirit: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Jani Ortlund
Motherhood comes with lots of hard things—but by God’s grace, those very things can bring fruit in our lives. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jani Ortlund about some of the hard things she faced as a mom of young children, like fatigue, fear, and finances. Jani is a writer, speaker, and podcast host who ministers alongside her husband, Ray. She is a mother of four and grandmother of fourteen who remembers well the challenges of the little years. In the midst of the hard, she encourages us to keep seeking the Lord, trusting that he will gently lead us.
Ep. 154 || When You Don’t Know How to Discipline
If the word “discipline” makes you feel confused, discouraged, or even defeated, you’re not alone! As our children transition from sweet, snuggly babies into tantrum-throwing toddlers, we can see that they need discipline, but knowing how to discipline is a different matter. We may wonder whether there’s a “right” way or a “Christian” way to discipline. We may even find ourselves wishing someone would just give us a cheat sheet with all the answers! In this episode, Emily shares some of her experience trying to make sense of discipline. Although there’s no clear-cut system to fix all of our discipline struggles, she helps us think about discipline through the lens of scripture and discusses seven practical things we can do when we don’t know how to discipline.
Ep. 143 || Nurturing Your Child’s Gifts: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Karen Hodge
Have you ever noticed your child light up as they greet others at church or offer drinks to guests in your home? Those moments could be the first glimpses into your child’s natural or spiritual gifts. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Karen Hodge about nurturing our children’s gifts in the context of community. Karen is a pastor’s wife and mom of two adult children, who serves as the Coordinator for the PCA Women’s Ministry. She’s also the R|M Board Chair and has been a faithful encourager of the Risen Motherhood ministry. As parents, we disciple our children with eternity in mind, preparing them to meet Christ. What a privilege to teach them how to use their gifts for God’s glory.
Ep. 125 || How Do We Talk About Death with Our Kids?: An Interview with Tim Challies
“Mommy, what happens when someone dies?” When our kids ask us about death, answering can feel intimidating and even sad. How much should we share? What can they understand? Will we scare them? In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Tim Challies about how to talk to our kids about death. Tim is a husband, father of teenagers, pastor, and writer who encourages us to bring the conversation about death back to our children’s hearts and the hope they have in Jesus. We don’t need to worry so much about what to say to our kids. God gave us what we need in his word to teach our kids the victory of the gospel in the face of death.
Ep. 123 || Motherhood is Ministry: How to See and Serve Your Kids
Changing dirty diapers. Providing nourishing meals. Having conversations about patience and self-control. It doesn’t look like an official outreach or job position, but ministering to our kiddos is one way we serve God. In this episode, Emily and Laura share how moms can see and serve their kids. Our individual circumstances are different, but we can all look to Jesus as our perfect example for ministry in everyday life. He worked, traveled, taught, and ate with his disciples to show them what it looks like to obey and love God in all things. Mamas, let’s live a life of ministry too.
Ep. 111 || Seasons and Rhythms: Incorporating Gospel Reminders Into Your Year
Our daily schedules are busy, so it’s no wonder we’re surprised when all of a sudden it’s a new season. If we don’t intentionally stop to think about them, they pass us by! In this episode, Emily and Laura share how incorporating gospel reminders into your year can help your family remember God’s sovereignty and story of redemption. It’s not another burden or thing to check off a list, but rather a chance to bring joy into your home as you remember Christ in every season.
Ep. 108 || How Do I Disciple My Children?
Discipleship can be an intimidating task, but it isn’t out of reach for the everyday mom. It’s living out the gospel in front of our kids, teaching and inviting them to follow Jesus with us. In this episode, Emily and Laura dive into how we disciple our kids, asking, “What is it? How do we do it? And why does it seem so difficult?” We get to faithfully teach our kids to love God and share their faith by showing them how we do it. We won’t disciple them perfectly, but we can trust the Holy Spirit to equip us for the task and change our children’s hearts.
Ep. 107 || Grace in Discipline: An Interview on Faithful Motherhood with Elyse Fitzpatrick
There’s no formula for raising godly children. Instead, we follow the Christ’s example by offering our kids God’s expectations and grace as we disciple them. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Elyse Fitzpatrick about faithfulness in the early years of motherhood. Elyse isa wife, mom, and prolific author of many books that apply gospel truths to daily life. While we’re called to faithfully nurture, train, and discipline our children according to God’s word, only Jesus can transform their hearts and teach them to love his design. Let’s give our kids the greatest example of faith by being sinners who run to Jesus with them.
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