Discipline & Discipleship, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood Discipline & Discipleship, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood

Ep. 175 || Emily & Laura's Favorite Things

At R|M, we love sharing great resources! In this all new episode, Emily and Laura share a Top 10 List of best products to encourage and equip us in our relationship with the Lord along with gift ideas for kids and some of their personal favorite books. As much as we love these beautiful, intentional, and creative resources, we hope they ultimately point you to Christ and his word. Resources can be helpful, but only God’s word is essential.

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Bible Study, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Bible Study, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 174 || Let’s Just Skip This

Moms know that you don’t start reading a storybook in the middle! If you skip the first half, your kids miss important aspects of the plot and the character development. Instead, you start at the very beginning and view all of the parts as a whole. But for some reason, when it comes to the Bible, we often toss that concept aside and go straight for the easier-to-understand New Testament books. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of reading the Old Testament, citing eight reasons why it really matters! Processing the entire Bible in light of the cross is critical for us (and our kiddos) to rightly understand God's epic redemption story.

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Community, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Community, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 173 || Knowing Your Limits with Hannah Anderson

We know we should be grateful for the gifts God has given us in motherhood. But instead, we may find ourselves battling discontentment, anxiety, and stress over our inability to keep up with even the simplest tasks. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with author Hannah Anderson about her book Humble Roots. Hannah applies gospel-truth to challenging topics like postpartum body image, vocational or ministry calling, and dealing with the temptation to live for our ideal version of motherhood instead of God's plan for us. This conversation is candid, challenging, and leaves much to be considered as Hannah offers an opportunity for weary moms to rest by accepting their limitations and letting God be God.

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Community, Evangelism Risen Motherhood Community, Evangelism Risen Motherhood

Ep. 172 || You Don’t Have to be Scared

Evangelism is an essential part of the Christian life—so why does it feel so overwhelming and awkward? Maybe you worry you’ll say the wrong thing or offend someone. But when you think about it, is there anything better or more beautiful than sharing Christ? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss some common pitfalls we experience in evangelism and the gospel hope that drives us to try again. From the people in our homes to those we see in our communities, we can share the greatest news of Christ’s resurrection by simply sharing what he did and how the gospel impacts our own lives!

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Christian Growth, Technology, Rest & Self-Care Risen Motherhood Christian Growth, Technology, Rest & Self-Care Risen Motherhood

Ep. 171 || Quick Fix

Scroll through Pinterest or eavesdrop in a coffee shop and you might see or hear something along the lines of, “All I need is a whole lotta of Jesus and a little bit of coffee/tacos/Netflix/sleep.” While it’s usually said in jest, we all have little crutches that we tend to rely on when we’re in survival mode. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about potential crutches in motherhood like wine, shopping, or social media. While these things may make us feel good temporarily, only Christ is the source of our greatest and lasting joy. So momma, let’s go back to the cross and fix our eyes on the only one able to sustain, encourage, grow, and help us in every situation—Jesus.

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Miscarriage & Infertility, Grief & Suffering, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Miscarriage & Infertility, Grief & Suffering, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 170 || Sovereign Over the Sad

The daily hardships of motherhood weigh on us—difficult decisions, potty training, sleeplessness, and more. But sometimes we experience deeper, more profound suffering that makes us cry out, “Why God?” In this episode, Emily and Laura offer gospel encouragement for those in the midst of deep suffering. Suffering is different for everyone, but scripture offers unshakeable hope in every situation. Since God didn’t excuse himself from suffering, one day—through Christ—our suffering will give way to joy.

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Discipline & Discipleship, Christian Growth, Community Risen Motherhood Discipline & Discipleship, Christian Growth, Community Risen Motherhood

Ep. 169 || Kids Say the Darndest Things with Trillia Newbell

Kids say the darndest things sometimes, don’t they? Maybe it’s a comment about someone’s hair while you’re in line at the grocery store or they ask a question about someone’s dialect when you have a neighbor over for dinner, but no matter where it happens, it’s normal for children to show curiosity about God’s diverse design. In this episode, Trillia Newbell joins Emily and Laura to share practical ways we can explain God’s very good idea about diversity to our children, exposing them to different types of people with joy and transparency. The gospel speaks a better word than our culture—affirming that all people are made in the image of God and should be loved as such.

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Decisions & Transitions Risen Motherhood Decisions & Transitions Risen Motherhood

Ep. 168 || Should I Do This?

You know that little voice in your head? The one that pipes up when you feel guilt over letting your kids eat too many cookies or sets off an internal alarm when you watch something questionable? All of us have one, but it’s not necessarily the Holy Spirit. What is it exactly? In this episode, Emily and Laura explore the topic of personal conscience. God gave us a conscience to help discern what’s right and wrong in the everyday “gray” areas of life. While it can be dulled by sin, God can recalibrate our consciences through the study of his word and fellowship with believers, so we can do all things in faith with love.

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Marriage, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Marriage, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 167 || Honey, Are You With Me?

Parenting alongside your husband can sometimes feel awkward and bumpy. We want to be intentional, but it can seem like we have wildly different styles and strategies than our spouses! In this episode, Emily and Laura dive into the topic of marital unity. Even though we have different upbringings, personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, God has joined us in marriage for his mission. He designed for us to do it together! Through Christ, we can have humility, forgive one another, refocus on our mission, and live in unity with our husbands as we parent together.

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Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 166 || Let's Reset

Even when it seems like you've done everything right as a mom, inevitably, things still don't go as planned. Someone disobeys, comes down with a fever, talks back or leaves their toy on the ground for you to step on, and in no time...you blow it. Your hopes for a near-perfect day are dashed, leaving you wondering if there's even any point in trying. On today's episode, Emily and Laura talk about those bad moments and how we’re tempted to let them dominate our whole day. But we don't have to get stuck there, because our identity in Christ means we can keep pursuing holiness, even when we sin or our circumstances aren’t ideal. When we have faith that the Spirit of Christ works in us and we want to live in light of our redemption, we can press on in faithfulness. Momma, will you join us?

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Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 165 || Before We Go Too Far

Whether we’re answering a hard question, navigating a public meltdown, or wading through a sibling conflict, as moms, we’re well-acquainted with the benefits of pausing to consider the best next steps. Reflecting instead of reacting can help us keep our eyes on the gospel. In this episode, Emily and Laura reflect on five years of the podcast and share a big announcement about some exciting changes on the horizon for Risen Motherhood! But one thing that will never change is our passion for bringing gospel hope to moms for many years to come.

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Decisions & Transitions Risen Motherhood Decisions & Transitions Risen Motherhood

Ep. 164 || Change is a Good Thing, Part 2

As much as we may desire to live with eternal purpose and become more like Christ, some days we’re doing well just to keep the diapers changed—much less figure out how we can change. In this episode, Emily and Laura get practical about how we change into the image of Christ. Drawing from David Powlison’s book, How Does Sanctification Work?, they unpack five things that contribute to our growth in godliness. God is changing us and using our lives for something that matters as we live faithfully from one moment (or diaper change) to the next.

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