Prayer Bonus: 8 Tips for Building a Habit of Prayer
Surprise! We have an extra show for you! Don’t worry, you didn’t get the day wrong. It’s not a Wednesday, but we loved talking about prayer so we just kept going. Maybe you’re left wondering “how do I actually get started with prayer?” Or you’ve started the habit countless times before, but always end up fizzling out. Emily jumped back behind the microphone to share 8 quick tips for making prayer a habit. As we round out the Prayer mini-series, we want you to feel equipped to go forward with a habit of prayer. So we put all the tips we could think of in one easy place for you!
Prayer 05: When You Don't Want to Pray
What do you do when you don’t feel like praying? Like the disciples in the garden with Jesus, you want to do the right thing, but you just can’t stay awake. Or you have the invite to the prayer meeting, but you would rather stay home to watch TV. In the final episode of the Prayer mini-series, Laura and Emily talk about the elephant in the room—sometimes we just don’t want to pray. Listen in as they troubleshoot the various reasons for why we might not feel like it. But they don’t leave us there. You might not feel like praying today, but hopefully this episode will fan a lingering flame in you, sparking a renewed desire for prayer.
Prayer 04: Wisdom From Ruth Chou Simons
We believe prayer is important—even necessary—but where do we even begin? Listen in as Laura chats with a seasoned mom of six boys (yes, six!). You may know Ruth Chou Simons as the founder of Gracelaced and from her award-winning books. But we’re also thankful for her as one of the Risen Motherhood Board Members, so we’re excited to share her motherhood wisdom with you today! She gives her tips for making prayer part of your family routine, how to give your kids language for prayer, and so much more. You won’t want to miss this episode!
Prayer 03: Tips for Praying As A Family - A Chat with Hunter Beless & Laura Wifler
Prayer is not a box to check during nap time. It’s something the whole family can get involved in, even when nap time is non-existent! In today’s episode, listen in as two moms, Laura and her friend Hunter Beless (whom you may know from the The Journeywomen Podcast!) share practical tips for praying as a family. They remind us that while it’s good to pray alone in the quiet of our bedroom, it’s also good to involve our kids in prayer as we do it together. There’s a practical idea for everyone in this episode!
Prayer 02: Why Do We Say “Amen?” And Other Questions About Prayer
When it comes to prayer, kids have all the questions. Why do we say “amen?” Do I need to close my eyes? But moms have lots of questions about prayer too. Do I pray to God or can I pray to Jesus? How do I teach my kids reverence in prayer? In today’s episode, Laura and Emily tackle some frequently asked questions with biblical answers and personal application. As we disciple our kids according to their own questions and needs, we can be moms who point our kids to Christ and train them in prayer.
Prayer 01: Don’t Wait
Why is it so hard to pray? We know prayer is essential, but like the discipline of healthy eating, we turn to the chips instead of the veggies. We choose the quick fix, rather than the thing that sustains. In the first episode of our mini-series on prayer, Emily and Laura talk about our common struggles with prayer, the benefits of this essential habit, and why prayer is possible right now.. Prayer keeps our eyes on the Lord, changing our lives today and generations to come—why wait?. Listen in to hear the many ways prayer benefits you and how prayer has been part of God’s plan for his people from the beginning!
Real Life Wisdom from Elisabeth Elliot | Obedience .06
Maybe you’ve gotten this far into the conversation about obedience and you’re still wondering if it’s all about restrictions? Or maybe you want to obey but keep finding yourself in a pattern of sin? Maybe you’re skeptical about God’s demand for perfection and you’re not sure who can really measure up? Come behind the scenes in this episode, as Laura turns the microphone on Emily and asks her to unpack three truths about obedience. This deep dive is meant to help us understand the free gift of grace and its transforming power in our daily lives.
Fun Facts & Footnotes | Obedience .05
Maybe you’ve gotten this far into the conversation about obedience and you’re still wondering if it’s all about restrictions? Or maybe you want to obey but keep finding yourself in a pattern of sin? Maybe you’re skeptical about God’s demand for perfection and you’re not sure who can really measure up? Come behind the scenes in this episode, as Laura turns the microphone on Emily and asks her to unpack three truths about obedience. This deep dive is meant to help us understand the free gift of grace and its transforming power in our daily lives.
When Obedience Feels Like Death | Obedience .04
Obedience is hard when the sun is shining and life is good, but what about when the storm clouds come? When you get a scary diagnosis, or your business goes bankrupt, or your friend rejects you for your faith—this is when obedience feels costly, even like death. The Bible might tell us to expect suffering, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy when it comes. Our natural response in suffering is to turn inward and to focus on ourselves. So when the call to obey comes up, it feels like even more is being taken from us. But in this episode, Laura and Emily provide encouragement for the sufferer, and gospel hope that even costly obedience leads to life.
Troubleshooting Where We Go Wrong | Obedience .03
When it comes to obedience, we’re all prone to errors. Maybe we say “freedom in Christ!” to justify our actions instead of doing what we know is right, or maybe we live with a constant stream of condemning thoughts instead of resting in the righteousness of Christ. Some of us put off obedience until tomorrow, and some of us are locked in a cycle of despair when we can’t obey perfectly today. In this episode, Laura and Emily talk through the common ditches we find ourselves in as moms, and give practical strategies for getting out of them. So whether you’re procrastinating and trying to avoid the sink full of dishes or you’re grumpy and muscling through to “get the job done,” we hope you’ll find encouragement to walk the true path of obedience.
Knowing God’s Will Is Not As Hard As You Think | Obedience .02
Deep down, we want to know we’re doing motherhood right. That we’re not failing or heading down the wrong path in life. This is true for our everyday choices about meals, screens, activities, and the way we spend our time. But it’s also true for how we work through tough relationships, respond to our kid’s hard questions, and make life-changing decisions. How do we know God’s will? In today’s episode, Emily and Laura tackle this question, because it’s not as complicated as you might think! We often wonder if we’re on track, but God’s word doesn’t leave us in the dark. He reveals his design, giving us clear commands, wise principles for life, and a framework for living like Christ in each situation.
Obedience Isn’t Just For Our Kids | Obedience .01
Obedience. That’s an outdated word, right? But really, our questions in motherhood about where to send our kids to school, what to feed them, and even how we spend our time and money, boils down to this. We don’t want to fail, so we wonder what to obey, how to obey, and how to keep going when we stumble. Essentially, we want to know what it looks like to live ‘Risen Motherhood’—to do all things in a way that please God. This is what we’re exploring in our new mini-series. In the first episode, Emily and Laura tackle these questions and explain why obedience brings freedom. We want to be good moms, and obedience to Christ’s commands is the place to start.
Where to Next?
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