Fear 07: The Application
Today we’re getting practical. If you’ve ever wondered how to battle fear in everyday life, this episode is for you! In our final show of the mini-series, Laura and Emily give tools to help moms through fear. Whether you choose one step or all of them, we hope this episode encourages you to action in your battle with fear. Let’s be moms who fear God more!
Fear 06: The Meditation
When you’re afraid, it’s so helpful to rehearse God’s word. But it can be hard to find a quiet place, or even time, to read and think about what God’s promises mean for your situation. Moms have a lot of demands on their time, so we’ve put together an entire episode designed to help you meditate on God’s word. In this episode, Emily reads a collection of scriptures on fear. So whether you’re scrubbing toilets, driving to work, or even on a walk, we pray these scriptures lift your eyes to the Lord as you face your fears.
Fear 05: The Replay
What would happen if we were prepared for the storms of life? What would it look like to cultivate faith that can weather a job loss, or a child’s illness, or our friends rejecting us for our faith? In this episode, we have a special treat—a message from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth on being a woman who trusts the Lord in the face of fear. Teaching from Proverbs 31:21-25, she encourages us to be proactive—not reactive—to the storms of life. If you’re looking for practical help in facing your fears, or ever wanted to understand what it means to be a true Proverbs 31 woman, this message is for you!
Fear 04: The Perspective
Do you feel alone in your fears? Do you look around at your friends and neighbors and wonder if there is anyone who understands what you’re facing? Fear can be so isolating, but the good news is, we aren’t alone! In this episode, Laura and Emily introduce us to moms who’ve gone before us. They remind us that God gave us the gift of other believers— in our local churches, the global church, and even in church history—to strengthen our faith, give us courage, and help us know we have friends in the fight.
Fear 03: The Principles
Whether we fear an imminent threat or an unlikely scenario, we’re often left wondering how to respond. Maybe we’re more likely to hide and shy away from any possible conflict or to react sharply, boldly fighting back before we’ve sought the Lord. As we face our fears, it’s helpful to stop to think—where is this coming from and what biblical truths apply? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk through how we handle frightening things, giving us principles for facing our fears both big and small, and pointing us to the peace that Christ brings.
Fear 02: The Examination
Have you ever wondered why we experience fear in the first place? In this episode, we’re going back to our roots! Laura and Emily examine fear through the gospel lens—creation, fall, redemption, consummation—reminding us that our fears have an explanation. It hasn’t always been this way, and because of Christ, it won’t be this way forever! If you’re new here or been with us since the beginning, we hope you’ll be encouraged to see your fears in light of the greatest story—God’s story.
Fear 01: The Introduction
Motherhood offers no shortage of reasons to fear, which is why we’re doing a deep dive into the topic in this mini-series. In the first episode in this 7-episode series, Laura and Emily talk about some of the fears they’ve faced in the past year. Not all fear is bad though, so they give us examples of different types of fear and talk about the best kind—the fear of the Lord. If you find yourself in a state of fear, you’re not alone. Let’s fight our fears together with the truth of God’s word.
Ep. 180 || Practice Makes Progress
As moms, we all fall short of the glory of God day after day. So we need to preach the gospel to ourselves again and again. But how do we actually do that? In this episode, Emily and Laura share how reminding yourself of the gospel is an important part of the Christian walk—but it requires some practice. To preach the gospel, we have to know the gospel. It’s the only thing that keeps us from being defined by the time we yelled in the car or hid in the pantry stress-eating dark chocolate. Momma, your true identity is secure in Christ—offering peace, hope, and joy in every moment.
Ep. 179 || Make a Joyful Noise
There’s just something about music that helps us remember things we’ve learned in a way that other methods can’t match! In this episode, Emily and Laura celebrate our opportunity to worship God through song. No matter what our singing voices sound like, we can all benefit from remembering God’s goodness and faithfulness through shared songs in the Christian faith. By inviting these moments of worship into our homes, we’re able to experience the joy of knowing God and resting in his promises as a whole family.
Ep. 178 || Don’t Take My Word for It with Jen Wilkin
Can a mom really develop a personal understanding of the Bible in the season of young children? In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with author and Bible teacher, Jen Wilkin, about her passion for biblical literacy. Jen encourages moms to pursue a firsthand knowledge of scripture and gives practical examples of what this might look like. She offers encouragement to set aside larger blocks of time, get involved in a structured study with accountability, and consistently consume the word whenever and wherever you can. If you haven't been sure how an understanding of scripture can impact your role as a mom, you'll be so challenged and encouraged by this interview!
Ep. 177 || The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
One of the most exciting things we can teach our children is that Jesus came to earth as a tiny baby and that he’s coming back as the King. This past-and-future perspective is at the heart of the Advent season as we celebrate what has happened and wait expectantly for what is to come. In this episode, Emily and Laura explain the meaning of Advent, share ways to celebrate, and encourage moms to find freedom in the Christmas season. Instead of running into the holidays with added pressure of one more thing, we can look to Christ and celebrate the gospel story in our homes from an overflow of joy.
Ep. 176 || I Wouldn’t Do It That Way
It’s natural to prefer spending time with moms who share similar parenting values, lifestyle choices, and special interests with us. On the other hand, most of us can instantly think of a mom we avoid, because she makes us uncomfortable with her views in a gray-area of motherhood. These feelings beg the question, “How should we love and interact with those who do motherhood differently than us, especially when those differences breed difficulties?” In this episode, Emily and Laura apply the gospel to these challenging relationships, remembering that the cross levels all of us. Because of the extravagant grace shown to us, we can now love others who are different, even when it’s hard.
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