Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood

Whole 02: Understanding the Power of Awe (& How You Can Experience it Today)

You know the moments. They may not feel like they come often in the mundane moments of mom life, but many of us have been there: when the sight before you takes your breath away; when God’s creation makes your heart swell; when a song brings tears to your eyes. Down to the way he made our neurons to fire and our hearts to beat faster when captivated by pure beauty, we see that God designed us to experience awe. In this episode, Emily and Laura dive into how awe grows us as women of God, along with practical ways we can step back and reflect in awe, even in the busyness of caring for our children. By God’s grace, we can find ourselves in awe over the simplest of things he’s given us right here, right now.

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Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood

Whole 01: Who Are You, Really? Finding What You Lost in Motherhood

Was there a moment you realized motherhood had changed you? Or did it happen steadily, gradually, until one day you realized: I’m not who I was. For many of us, we can agree that motherhood rightfully requires much of us—but as the seasons of motherhood change, how do we hold our role as ‘mom’ alongside the whole woman God designed us to be? In this episode, Emily and Laura kick off a new mini-series with a look at Scripture to see how we lay down our lives for Christ and flourish as whole women of God. We’re going beyond the bounds of motherhood in this series, but here’s the beauty: as we embrace God’s design for us and give our lives wholly in allegiance to him, we will find ourselves growing in motherhood, too. Whether you’re brand-new to being a mom and it feels all-consuming or you’re in a season where you have time and capacity to cultivate other interests, there’s refuge in our Maker, who sees you, loves you, and is making you new.

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Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

Abundance 06: Accepting Limitations

So we’ve spent several weeks now dialing in on different areas of weakness and how Christ meets us in it all—as we set our eyes on him, what does it really look like in the day-to-day as moms to trust his design for us and accept our God-given limits? In this final show of the Abundance mini-series, Emily and Laura take to the mic to discuss limitations they’ve felt in their own lives, and practical questions to help us draw near to Christ in the everyday strains of weakness in motherhood. They also share more info on their newest book, Gospel Mom, releasing in 2024! Until we’re back in your earbuds again, let us leave you with this: we are weak, dear mom, but he is strong.

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Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

Abundance 05: In Your Weakness, Look to Christ—An Interview with Amy Gannett

Here’s something you won’t hear too often around social media, but we’ll say it because we love you: mom, you are NOT enough. And that’s a good thing! As moms, we feel the tug-and-pull of wading through mundane moments alongside the high calling and immense privilege of raising children God has given us. If you’ve ever wondered how you’re supposed to “do it all” in motherhood, this show is for you. In it, Emily chats with writer and Bible teacher, Amy Gannett, on what Scripture says about Christ’s loving sufficiency in all things. Take a deep breath, mom: for everything you lack today, Jesus stands before you and fills in the gap. If he didn’t abandon you at the cross, why would he now?

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Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

Abundance 04: I Don’t Have Enough Patience—An Interview with Maryanne Challies Helms

In so many moments throughout the day, little hands and hearts demand our time and attention, but we can’t meet everyone’s needs. With the flutter of noise, we grow impatient, our fuse is cut short. But it’s not just these moments that try our long-suffering. Maybe it looks like wading through deep sorrow as you walk through suffering that won’t let up. Maybe you’re growing tired, because you expected your season of life to look different by now, but God still has you in the same place. If patience is a fruit of the Spirit dwelling in us (Gal. 5:22-23), why does it feel so hard to actually be patient? In this episode, Emily chats with her dear friend, Maryanne Challies Helms, on seeing the ways God is training us in patience through our everyday moments as moms. Be encouraged: whatever trial you’re facing today, God has planned it for your growth and his glory—he will not leave you to fight this battle alone.

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Abundance (Mini-Series), Decisions & Transitions Risen Motherhood Abundance (Mini-Series), Decisions & Transitions Risen Motherhood

Abundance 03: I Don’t Have Enough Wisdom—An Interview with Glenna Marshall

Each day is filled with decisions and we’re anxious to make the right ones. We live in a world where information is right at our fingertips—but as moms, we need something deeper and never-changing. Even when knowledge is helpful, no amount of Internet searching will ultimately give us God’s direction for our family. For that, we need godly wisdom—so where do we find it? In this episode, Emily chats with author and mom, Glenna Marshall, on how we can seek wisdom from the Lord through Scripture, prayer, and wise counsel. While we don’t get a personalized playbook for the life before us, God in his gracious provision gives us what we need through his Word. When we seek wisdom from the One who knows all and sees all, he provides more than we could ever dream to ask.

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Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

Abundance 02: I Don’t Have Enough Time—An Interview with Gretchen Saffles

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep all of the plates spinning? Never missing a school activity, always having the kitchen clean and ready, and even having time to sprinkle in a little self-care . . . and yet, many of us feel our to-do list getting longer by the minute. But what if God actually gives us limits for our good? In this episode, Emily chats with author and mom, Gretchen Saffles, about her own postpartum journey where she experienced discouragement as she saw limitations on her time and capacity. Gretchen also gives some great practical tips for evaluating our priorities and getting into God’s Word, even when you’re busy. Let this Scripture-packed show remind you: there’s only One who can do it all, and he beckons you to rest in him today.

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Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood Abundance (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

Abundance 01: What If I Don’t Have What It Takes?

We love a good mom hack, but we’ve yet to find one that makes motherhood feel like a breeze. Whether it’s that first all-nighter with a newborn or the tough conversations that come as our kiddos get older, motherhood brings *all* the opportunities to feel our limits. In this episode, Emily and Laura share some of the areas they’ve felt weak in motherhood and a few principles to keep in mind as we look to Christ’s strength in our weakness. Emily also gives an exclusive look at her new book, He Is Strong: Devotions for When You Feel Weak. Take heart, mom: in Christ we don’t just receive life—we receive life abundant (John 10:10). Let’s bring our weakness before him today and trust that he stands in the gap.

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Grief (Mini-Series), Grief & Suffering Risen Motherhood Grief (Mini-Series), Grief & Suffering Risen Motherhood

Grief 09: The Hope of Heaven—An Interview with Courtney Doctor

When we experience deep sorrow, many of us long for heaven more than ever. The desire for a joy-filled eternity with God is a good one, wired in us by our Creator. But have you ever wondered what makes heaven such a source of hope for believers today? In this episode, Emily and Laura sit down with author and Bible teacher Courtney Doctor to look at what Scripture says about heaven. Throughout the Grief series, we’ve heard stories of suffering and pain, but the thread of hope woven throughout them all is the promise that one day God will wipe away every tear for those who are found in Christ (Rev. 21:4). As Christian moms, when we ponder what his Word has to say about heaven, we can better run our race here on earth. Never-ending joy truly awaits those in Christ.

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Grief (Mini-Series), Grief & Suffering Risen Motherhood Grief (Mini-Series), Grief & Suffering Risen Motherhood

Grief 08: Widowed & Single Motherhood—An Interview with Lisa Appelo

Motherhood holds challenges, even with a loving husband and father by our side. So when the painful sting of death ends our marriage, how can we shepherd our children and find healing when grief is this deep? In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with author and widow, Lisa Appelo, on her experience raising seven children after the sudden death of her husband. The heartbreak of losing a father and husband is painfully real, but as we navigate the seas of grief, we can be reminded that God is always with us—in his presence, we can have hope in the darkest of places.

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Grief (Mini-Series), Pain & Sickness, Grief & Suffering Risen Motherhood Grief (Mini-Series), Pain & Sickness, Grief & Suffering Risen Motherhood

Grief 07: Infant Loss—An Interview with Nancy Guthrie

There’s no way to soften the tragedy of losing a child. As moms, we love, protect, and care for our children with fierce depth and intensity, but we don’t have ultimate control. When the unimaginable loss of a child occurs, how do we carry our grief as we walk forward in the life and family God has kept earthside? In this episode, Emily and Laura hear from author and Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie on what she learned in the process of losing two children after birth. While grief this deep may never truly leave us this side of heaven, we can look to the God who sacrificed his own Son for us and know that he meets, sustains, and restores, even in the immense sorrow of losing a beloved child.

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Grief (Mini-Series), Foster Care & Adoption Risen Motherhood Grief (Mini-Series), Foster Care & Adoption Risen Motherhood

Grief 06: Grief in Adoption—An Interview with Jen Oshman

When God allows adoption to be a part of our family’s story, there can be hopeful anticipation alongside waiting and sorrow. How can we hold the beauty and hardship of it with grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with author and adoptive mom Jen Oshman on her own experience with adoption, and the tension that parents hold when bringing a child out of his or her birth family and into their own. Jen also shares a word of encouragement to adoptive moms, as well as what to consider before pursuing adoption. As we seek to love our children well in the midst of hard circumstances, we can trust that our God whose heart is for the fatherless (Ps. 68:5) supplies our every need.

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