Praying the Word: When You’re Thinking Through Social Media Use

On the surface, prayer seems simple. It’s talking to God. But in practice, we may have a lot of questions. Am I doing this right? Is there a “right” way to do it? What am I supposed to say? Are there things I shouldn’t pray about? Or maybe we feel pretty comfortable with praying, but we struggle with getting bored or losing focus. 

Whatever our struggles with prayer, Scripture can be helpful. As Donald Whitney explains, “Praying the Bible isn’t complicated. Read through a few verses of Scripture, pause at the end of each phrase or verse, and pray about what the words suggest to you.” (You can read more from Donald Whitney about how to pray Scripture, in this article.)

In the Praying the Word series, we’ll take the idea of praying Scripture and make it practical by sharing a passage of Scripture, an example prayer, and some guided questions to help you make it your own. The example prayer might serve as a model, or you can use it as a prayer for yourself. As you give this a try, don’t worry if it feels awkward or you’re not sure what to say. Remember, the power of prayer doesn’t come from the words we say, but from the One who hears them. 

Example Scripture

Psalm 101:1-6

[1] I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music.

[2] I will ponder the way that is blameless. Oh when will you come to me? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house;

[3] I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.

[4] A perverse heart shall be far from me; I will know nothing of evil.

[5] Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy. Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I will not endure.

[6] I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me.

God, you are a King who reigns in perfect love and justice. You are worthy of all my attention and all of my praise in all that I do for all of my days. I want to honor you in every part of daily life, including my use of social media. Help all of my scrolling and posting online to reflect that Christ alone is my true Influencer, and I live to follow and worship him.

Lord, I want to truly “ponder the way that is blameless”—not just socially acceptable, but upright and God-glorifying. Help me to conduct myself with integrity online and bring you into all of my decisions about social media boundaries and use. Grant me a heart of wisdom that can perceive your righteous path for me here and walk in it.

Father, I confess that I have often been distracted by the “quick fix” of mindless scrolling. I have let my eyes wander to what is unwise or unhelpful at times. I pray that you would replace any appetite in me for worthless entertainment, discontented comparisons, and foolish controversies with an all-consuming longing for you. Give me the strength through Christ to resist perversion and keep my mind and heart pure with social media.

Lord, my heart can so easily be pulled towards worldly pride and slander online, building a platform for my own gain or consolidating my own tribe. When I engage on social media, help me to do so humbly, elevating others instead of myself. May my secret thoughts and intentions match my public words and interactions, bringing blessing to those around me.

However you lead me to steward social media in this season, I pray that you would open my eyes to see other faithful Christians spreading the gospel there. In these digital spaces, may I be quick to dwell alongside those who are doing good, exercising wisdom, and encouraging others in the truth. Help me follow their godly influence and use these platforms to reach unbelievers and build up your church.

Thank you, Lord, for the way that social media keeps me depending on you and seeking discernment. Thank you that, because of Christ, I can intentionally examine my habits, walk in obedience, resist what is sinful or unhelpful, follow the faithful, and above all, worship you. May my use of social media glorify your name and grow your people.

Make it Your Own

Praise God: What things in this Scripture passage give you reasons to praise God and thank him for who he is and what he’s doing? Give him both general and specific thanksgiving and come into his presence rejoicing.

Confess: What things do you need to tell God about how your heart or actions might veer (intentionally or unintentionally) toward self-reliance or even disobedience? Where have you trusted in your own wisdom or resisted his presence, commands, and care?

Share your Heart: What things do you need to tell the Lord from a place of concern and humility? What questions linger, what worries do you harbor, and what do you need to hand over to him?

Ask: Where do you need wisdom? What help and grace do you need? Let the Lord know where you are weak and what specific things you need, letting him have the final and perfect say in how those needs are met and prayers are answered.

Annie VanderHeiden

Annie VanderHeiden serves as the Editor at Risen Motherhood and plants her roots in the uppermost corner of the PNW, enjoying salty sea air, mountain majesties, drizzly days, and mugs of matcha alongside her husband and two children. Annie’s first book, exploring Christ’s care for postpartum moms, releases in 2026 from P&R Publishing. Connect with her on Instagram or

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