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Put the Word before the World with Your Kids
As we delight in Scripture and disciple our children in its truths, we show them the joy of putting the Word before the world.
Absorbing the Word When Your Mind Is Full
In seasons where we struggle to sit down for a quiet time or retain what we’ve read, we can creatively seek out ways to put God’s Word always before us.
When Scripture Memorization Meets Us in Our Mothering
When the Word is planted deep in our hearts and minds, we have it at the ready for every challenging moment of motherhood.
The Nourished Mom
While we can subsist on snacks for a while, our bodies—and our souls—need well-rounded, nourishing meals in order to thrive.
Getting Started in Bible Reading (Even When It’s Hard)
We can grow in our Bible literacy one day at a time—not out of guilt or legalism but because Scripture is God’s gracious gift to us.
Bringing Scripture to Mind When We Need It Most
Memorizing God’s Word gives us a storehouse of truth at the ready to inform, encourage, and preserve us in the midst of motherhood’s demands.
Praying the Word: When Gratitude Doesn’t Come Easily
Scripture helps us cultivate hearts of thanksgiving and worship to God, even through times of trial.
Reformation Reminders for Modern Moms
A few Latin slogans from the Reformation can instruct and inspire us still today to become moms who treasure God’s Word and practically live out the gospel.
Praying the Word: When You’re Thinking Through Social Media Use
When we’re struggling to steward social media well, God’s Word helps us examine and redirect our habits, motivations, and influences.
How Do I Talk to My Kids About the Truth of the Bible?
We believe the Bible is trustworthy and true, but how do we explain that to our kids? Here are four helpful reasons from a theologian and dad of three.
20 Ways God Used Moms in the Bible
We may sometimes wonder whether our service and sacrifice as moms really matters, but we can be encouraged that God values mothers and used them throughout his redemptive plan.
Raising Treasure Hunters
Maybe you grew up like me, running around the white-steepled church smack in center of your small-town.
Maybe you heard stories of a different Jesus, an imposter Jesus that sent you running from the church building as soon as you grabbed your diploma and your own set of keys.
Maybe you met Jesus in small doses, spread here and there.
But whatever your story, now we’re here, wanting to lead our children to the face and hands and words of the real and risen Savior, the greatest treasure we meet in scripture.
From beginning to end, the story of redemption has always been about God. The God who shot twirling planets across space by the words of his mouth chose the weak and broken things of this world to make himself known. Our God used mud to give sight to the blind, water to bring wine to the wedding, children to feed the multitudes. So, don’t sit there stressing Bible degrees and church pedigrees, unread book lists, and unlistened podcasts.
Instead, sit there celebrating a God who is enough.
This God who wrote the greatest story ever told in the pages of eternity, also wrote a new story, this gospel incarnate, inside of us. A story painted in sweeping brush strokes of Redeemer blood. A story that rewrote our past and redirected our future.
The Author of the greatest story is present in the pages of scripture, and he’s present in you as you tentatively whisper and confidently shout his words to your children.
The greatest gift we give our children isn’t handing them the all answers to life, wrapped in a sparkling red bow. It’s bringing them along with us as we live out the redemptive reality of Christ in us. When we come to God’s word with them, asking with utter confidence, ‘God, show us yourself today,’ we are modeling for them how to live this life on earth. This is what they need.
So become treasure hunters together.
Next time you open the Bible with your children, take a moment to pray your eyes will see the wonderful story of redemption on every page.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
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