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How Do I Talk to My Kids about Social Media?
As we help our kids navigate an increasingly digital world, we can point them to God’s truth as their ultimate measure of reality.
Navigating Social Media with Teens & Tweens
When our questions and fears surrounding our kids’ use of social media overwhelm us, these five gospel principles can help provide peace and direction.
Praying the Word: When You’re Thinking Through Social Media Use
When we’re struggling to steward social media well, God’s Word helps us examine and redirect our habits, motivations, and influences.
When Your Kids Call You Out: The Privilege of Turning to God in Our Weakness
Sometimes our kids can be the flashlight God uses to shine truth into our lives.
Healthy Habits of Wisdom for Busy Moms
Just as a balanced diet of food promotes physical health, a balanced diet of information encourages spiritual health for busy moms and their families.
Fall 2019 AUA FAQs
The RM Team loves seeing questions roll in when we’re prepping for an “Ask Us Anything” podcast episode with Emily and Laura. Unfortunately, we can’t answer every question submitted to us—there’s not enough time. However, we have a treasure trove of resources and information in our show archives, article archives, and old show notes that have already answered some of the questions we receive. If you didn’t hear Emily and Laura answer your question on this most recent AUA show, check below. We’ve rounded up a collection links from previous RM content (plus a few other sources) to help answer some of the most asked question we received.
Self-Care that Revives the Soul
We know we’re called to care for others, but what does it mean to care for ourselves? While there are many important things to consider, God provides a mom’s spiritual need for nourishment, rest, and beauty..
The Essentials A Mom Really Needs
We’ve all likely registered for baby items that turned out to be non-essentials—those cute, but ultimately unhelpful, items we didn’t really need. We can do the same thing in our parenting process; what do we truly need to raise children up in the Lord?
The Heart of the Matter
Smartphones aren’t going anywhere, so we need a heart check on how we use them. Here are three things to remember as we hope to glorify God in all things—even opening apps and posting photos.
AUA FAQ Round Up: Fall 2018 Edition
Did you catch yesterday's Ask Us Anything episode? Emily and Laura answered many of your most frequently asked questions—from essential oils to date nights to running R|M. But they couldn't answer every question submitted because there's just not enough time! Since we have a treasure trove of RM resources and information on our website, we compiled what we have answered in the past in today’s article on the site. So, if you were listening for a particular question and didn't hear it, check out the website to see if we answered it there! You'll find things like:
How do you foster such a great relationship with family members?
What are some good organizational tips for managing your home?
What are some practical ways you intentionally show love to your husbands in everyday life?
How do you include biblical truths in everyday life with a toddler?
Thank you to everyone who submitted questions for this AUA show. We love hearing from you and are grateful for you all!
God’s Grace Beyond Our “Mom Tribes”
It’s easy to think what we need to survive as mothers is that group of other moms in the trenches.
Mommy blogs and parenting sites offer advice about finding that ‘Mom Tribe,’ and you can download apps for meeting mom friends near you. You can join Facebook groups or follow Instagram tags of mothers with similar philosophies or life circumstances from the safety of your phone. With these dynamics, the shared experience of motherhood seems like the key to really belonging and understanding each other.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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