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Two Truths and a Lie about Celebrating Advent
Whether we celebrate Advent in big or small ways (or maybe no way at all), we can shift our focus this Christmas off what we do as moms to what Christ has already done for us in the gospel.
Breaking the Devotions Rut
Journals, devotional books, and reading plans can be helpful, but our hope is in the Lord and the work he can do through them.
5 Things About Family Devotions I’ve Learned the Hard Way
Our family devotions may not always (or ever) be deep, ordered, and disciplined, but they can be an opportunity to delight in the Lord together.
Bringing God Downstairs
While we shouldn’t give up quiet times with God, let’s remember that our time with God doesn’t always have to be quiet.
Two Truths & a Lie About Family Devotions
There’s a long list of reasons we may not be doing family devotions, but here’s one reason to start—the power to make family devotions effective doesn’t come from us, it comes from God’s word.
Advent Resources Round-up
The most wonderful time of the year often becomes the most hectic time of the year, making it easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Here are some Advent resources to help us focus our hearts and minds.
How to Approach Bible Study With Joy
Motherhood imposes on our idea of how and when we should study the Bible. Yet believing the gospel frees us to be faithful with our time and invest it in studying scripture from a place of joy.
Abide Together: What Exactly is a Bible Study?
This post is part two of a six-week series on how to start and facilitate a women’s Bible study group. In today’s post, we’re taking a look at the benefits of prioritizing Bible study and learning God’s Word for ourselves as moms.
Six Tips for Getting into God's Word as a Mom of Young Children
In high school and college I spent a lot of time in scripture, but as I started working, got married and had really little littles, I wasn't spending a lot of time in the Bible. I hunted and pecked here and there, did a few inductive Bible Studies – my time and depth ebbed and flowed depending on what I was involved in and who was holding me accountable.
And with the lack of time, I felt some of my passion for God dry up. If you asked me, I would have told you I wanted a more passionate relationship with the Lord, but I'd tell you that for one reason or another I was just kinda going through a dry spell. And if I were honest with you – if I were honest with myself – I would have told you that I believed God was the distant one, not me.
When Momma Loves the Bible, Her Children Notice
When quiet times aren’t exactly quiet, we can be tempted to wonder, “Is all of this even worth it?” We’ve been there too. But the truth is: it is worth it! Because when momma loves her Bible, her children notice.
Loud, Chaotic Quiet Times
When it comes to “quiet time” with God, we often want the ideal setup: our favorite chair, a cup of hot coffee, sleeping kiddos. But God is faithful to meet with us and sustain us, even in the loud, chaotic places of motherhood.
Sifting for Peaches: Discerning the Best Resources for Christian Growth
Shopping for peaches (especially in the winter months) is so challenging. As you survey the bin of fruit, you'll notice a wide array of options...
✴︎ Some will be shriveled and rotten-looking (Ew...definitely don't want those).
✴︎ Some will look good overall, with a few bruises that you'll have to consider cutting-off. (Is this viable and worth the money?)
✴︎ Some will be near-perfect and you'll eagerly drop them into your bag. (Yum!)
✴︎ And some will look awesome, but when you get them home and dig in, they might be brown and flavorless inside (bummer...)
While this experience rings true at the grocery store, it also somewhat rings true as we pick-through Christian resources for motherhood.
Where to Next?
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