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Praying the Word: When You Fear the “What-ifs”
When we fear the unknown, we can pray to the Lord—he is our hope now and forever.
The Changing Fears of Motherhood: Jesus’ Call to Trust Him with Our Children
While the fears of motherhood will change over time, we can always trust in our faithful God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
A Mother’s Fear of the Lord
When fears for our children abound, we can find refuge in fearing the Lord—because he is greater than all our fears.
A Better Answer to Our Fears
Motherhood may give us much to be afraid of, but hoping in the God who created us, loves us, and promises us a brighter future is the answer to all our fears.
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Their Fears?
Big fears often grip our little one’s hearts and minds. We can help our kids deal with their fears as we process with them, point them to Christ, and pray with them.
3 Ways to Fight Fear in Motherhood
If we fear the Lord instead of fearing all the “what ifs” in our children’s lives, we can find rest and refuge in him, even amidst the uncertainties of parenting.
The Same in the Dark
Bedtime is not the only darkness our children will face. But God is the same in the dark as he is in the light.
Truth for Nervous Mothers
We’re raising children in a world of influencers and opinion-sharers. We can’t change our kids’ hearts or control what they do, but we can show them the beauty and hope of the gospel.
The Calling of Motherhood for the Worrisome Mother
Motherhood is a tandem walk with trust and obedience. Let go of your worry, and see that God is good.
Hope for the Worries of Tomorrow
“I’m pretty good at imagining possible outcomes. If I could clock overtime for the number of hours I’ve laid awake at night thinking through plans, hopes, & concerns for the coming days, I’d be an incredibly wealthy woman! The waste of it, however, is tremendous.
It doesn’t matter how prepared I am. Something can always go wrong. It doesn’t matter how worried I am. A solution may come in the morning. It doesn’t matter how afraid I am. The bad news may never materialize. It doesn’t matter how excited I am. Plans can change in a heartbeat.
James warns his readers about wasting too much of today’s energy & opportunity on schemes to control the future. He writes, ‘Come now you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such & such a town & spend a year there & trade & make a profit’—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.’
As moms, we experience these shifts in plans all the time. Your plans to achieve a master’s degree are derailed when the pregnancy test shows a plus sign. You’re about to head out the door when a diaper explosion rocks the baby carrier. The birthday party guests are due to arrive any minute when your toddler spikes a high fever & pulls at both ears. All the kids are having great fun until your child breaks an arm.
We can imagine, plan, & scheme all we want to; nevertheless, tomorrow’s interruptions & delays will often override the best-laid plans.
...Even though it’s okay to think ahead & make plans, our worry shouldn’t outpace today’s circumstances. Jesus doesn’t encourage us by taking away our troubles. He doesn’t smooth out life’s journey so that we never experience any inconveniences or fears or struggles.
He reminds us that he already knows what’s around the corner: more trouble. Until this life ends, trouble will always spring up to greet us. We can’t control the struggles we will encounter, but we can rest in the one who carries us through the messes of life.
Our great King promises to walk with us and to help us.”
At All Costs
‘Let’s go change your diaper,’ I chirped in my sing-songy ‘mom’ voice.
We headed toward the stairs. Stepping up, my slipper caught a rough joint in the wood, and the world flipped in slow motion. We tumbled toward the wooden landing with no possible way to prevent the fall.
‘Protect the baby at all costs.’
I’m not sure it was a cognizant thought, but instinctively I turned my body to take the brunt of the fall. It didn’t matter if I’d be battered and bruised, protecting him was more important.
As the adrenaline subsided and his safety was evident, my tears flowed. My baby could have been seriously injured. I cried and prayed, praising God for his protection over my newborn.
Of course, this scenario could have gone much differently, like a trip to the emergency room. But even so, God is still the protector.
Because God eternally protects his children at all costs.
Though it doesn’t always come in the form we want it to, the Lord protects. He may not spare us from grief or trials in this life, but his view is deeper, down to our very souls.
Jesus accomplished the ultimate protection on the cross. He turned his own body to take the brunt of the ‘fall.’ He was bruised and broken, but protecting his own was more important. And he protected even unto death, absorbing the full measure of wrath that should have been hurled at us.
Because Christ made God favorable toward us, all we receive is grace upon grace.
Therefore, I can rest. I might fear injury, sickness, or even death, but I can entrust those fears to the one who has ultimate control. I don’t have to be a perfect mom. I can’t be a perfect mom. Accidents will happen. I’ll make bad decisions. I’ll sin against him. But I can run to the God who perfectly parents me, recalling grace.
I’m still pretty new at this parenting thing, but it’s safe to say I’d die for my son. But I may not always be able to protect him.
So, I speak truth to my heart. God eternally protects his children at all costs.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
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