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Strains of the Season: Sickness
Cold and flu season can be an opportunity to acknowledge our neediness and turn to the Savior who brings us true healing.
The Gift of Neediness
Being pushed to our knees reminds us of our faithful God. Potty training is one way that happens.
Moms, Embrace Your Need
As moms, we often want to do it all, but there’s such freedom in confessing our weaknesses and struggles to Christ. When we are weak, he is strong.
Every Hour We Need Thee
Today I'm reminded of how far I am from being a good mother, a good friend, a good wife / sister / daughter / church member / volunteer – a good anything! I feel split in two, like I live in the in-between. I want to do better, oh how I long to do better. But the needs keep coming at me and I fail over and over again. I just can't seem to get it together.
At times, it can feel pretty bleak. Why can I not live out what I know, I know? If I have Christ, why do I sometimes feel lost? If I know his promises are true, why do I act like they don't exist?
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
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