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More Than Meets the Eye: Discovering God’s Purposes for Motherhood
God designs motherhood not just for our happiness but for our holiness—and he will be with us through every hard day.
Building Family Culture through Road Trips
Road trips can be fertile ground for building a strong family culture from which our kids can grow and thrive.
Modeling the Way: Guiding Little Hearts to Love God’s Church
Passing along a love of God’s global church to our children requires letting his Spirit first cultivate that love in our hearts.
Why Raising Our Kids in the Local Church Matters
Even when it’s difficult, prioritizing worship and fellowship with a local church body helps shape our children in the love of Christ.
Sounds of the Season: Family Worship during Advent and Beyond
Singing familiar hymns and carols together during the Advent season can invite us into more regular rhythms of family worship throughout the rest of the year.
Songs for the Heart
Imprinting our children’s hearts with rich songs and hymns of the faith is one way we can help prepare them for inevitable trials ahead.
Placeholders: Perseverance When Spiritual Disciplines Feel Pointless
When praying, reading Scripture, or taking kids to church seems counterproductive, we can remember that God gives us structures like these for our growth and flourishing.
Imagination: Growing in Wonder and Worship
Cultivating our children’s imaginations can help prepare them to think big thoughts about our glorious God and the wonderful world he has made.
Touching Reality: Cultivating Spiritual Rhythms in the Home
In a busy world, tangible prompts can remind us and our kids to slow down and connect with our God.
Work as Worship
All of our work—inside and outside the home—has value to God and can be done for his glory.
Singing with Your Children
If we sing the ABCs with our children so that they learn how to read and write, we should also sing the ABCs of the gospel with them, so that they might grow in the faith.
The Wonder of Motherhood
Motherhood is a wondrous gift that brings you to the cross again and again. Enjoy this special song for Mother’s Day by Caroline Cobb.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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