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Praying the Word: When You Struggle with Doubt
Jesus’ love for Thomas in his disbelief compels us to bring our own doubts and questions before the Lord in prayer, trusting him to renew our faith.
Praying the Word: When You Feel Angry
When we feel anger raging inside, we can come to Scripture for the power we need to fight temptation and put on the love of Christ.
Peace When You Need It Most
Hannah’s honest, desperate prayer in 1 Samuel models how we can turn to the God of peace in the midst of our own overwhelm.
Learning Contentment in Unwanted Places
When contentment in our circumstances seems impossible, we can be encouraged by Paul’s example of learning to depend on Christ and find ultimate joy in him.
Letting Go of Bitterness
When others wound us, looking to Christ’s example and remembering the gospel helps free our hearts from bitterness and resentment.
Finding Rest for Our Souls: Letting Go of Our Burdens and Taking Up What Christ Offers Instead
Christ offers us the truest rest and deepest relief for our exhaustion that we can’t find anywhere else.
Do You Have a Good Reason to be Angry?
We can choose clarity and compassion when circumstances don’t go our way.
Praying the Word: When You Fear the “What-ifs”
When we fear the unknown, we can pray to the Lord—he is our hope now and forever.
The Changing Fears of Motherhood: Jesus’ Call to Trust Him with Our Children
While the fears of motherhood will change over time, we can always trust in our faithful God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
A Mother’s Fear of the Lord
When fears for our children abound, we can find refuge in fearing the Lord—because he is greater than all our fears.
When Your Past Keeps Creeping Up on You
God offers us healing from our painful pasts not only so we can grow as mothers and be a blessing to our children, but because he delights to make us—his children—whole.
A Better Answer to Our Fears
Motherhood may give us much to be afraid of, but hoping in the God who created us, loves us, and promises us a brighter future is the answer to all our fears.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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