Ep. 128 || “I Just Can’t Make it to Bible Study!”: How Busy Moms Get Involved
Going to Bible study in the early years of motherhood can feel like an Olympic feat. In our minds, getting everyone ready requires some gymnastics, enough snacks to feed a sumo wrestler, and the ability to marathon your way across a parking lot. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss common struggles that keep moms from being involved in women’s ministry and reasons to get yourself out the door. While podcasts, websites, and books are great gifts of encouragement, God specifically gives the local church to train, equip, and nourish his children. Getting there will be worth it.
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Related R|M Resources:
Ep. 65, Finding Your Tribe: Momma, Who is Your Primary Community?
Ep. 122, Building Friendships with Women in Different Seasons: An Interview with Elizabeth Woodson
Around the Web:
R|M Apply Questions:
Knowing that we want to grow in godliness doesn’t necessarily make getting there any easier. What obstacles keep you from Bible study or ministry events at your local church? What things can you do to make getting there easier (ie. childcare, asking for a schedule early, etc.)
We have access to so many wonderful resources through the Internet: podcasts, parachurch organizations, websites, and books. With all of that teaching and knowledge, why it is so important to be a part of the local church?
Local churches vary in what they provide for women’s ministry. Do you know what your church offers? What would you like to join? We know making this a priority as a mom of littles will be costly. You’ll need to prep, work a little harder to get there, and possibly miss a nap. Why is being there worth it?
We’re part of our local churches to help build up its members by serving one another. What are some skills or ministry ideas you offer to your church body? Could you join an already existing ministry or help start a new one?
Some churches aren’t able or willing to offer biblical women’s ministry opportunities. Some seasons of motherhood are really hard. Remember you’ve been saved by grace, not by your service or participation at church. How does the gospel meet you where you are right now? How can you be faithful in your particular season?
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