Ep. 84 || Abiding Together in God's Word: What We've Learned
What a year 2017 has been – God is so good! Whether you’ve been with us for awhile or just recently started listening, we’re grateful to have spent the year learning to deeply study scripture together! It takes practice to grow in biblical literacy, but our prayer is that we would all find our truest delight in knowing God through his word. In this episode, Emily and Laura wrap up the year by looking back at our 2017 theme, lessons learned, and favorite shows. We also share our 2018 theme! Let’s finish this year well mamas, and head into the next year with our feet firmly planted in the gospel as we bring grace into our homes and our children’s lives!
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
Ep. 63 - Jen Wilkin: Growing in God’s Word as a Mom of Little Ones
Ep. 65 - Finding Your Tribe: Momma, Who is Your Primary Community?
Ep. 66 - Hannah Anderson: How Humility Nourishes a Weary Mom’s Soul
Ep. 73 - Ruth Chou Simons: Faithfulness & Work in the Season of Young Children
Ep. 74 - Grandparents & The Gospel: Why Do Grandma & Grandpa Get Under Your Skin?
Ep. 75 - Grandparents & The Gospel: Approach Them With Grace
Ep. 76 - Sally Clarkson: Nourishing & Training Up Your Children at the Table
Ep. 79 - She Reads Truth: God’s Word Everyday, In Every Season
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R|M Apply Questions:
The RM Team is amazed at the graciousness of God offered to and through our ministry. He intervenes in our imperfections with perfect strength (2 Cor. 12:9), and we clearly see the work he’s completed this year to spread his word and kingdom through Risen Motherhood. As we wrap up for our break, we want to leave you with questions to help you process God’s faithfulness in your own life this year.
Our focus this year was biblical literacy. The Bible is living and active with power to transform you into the likeness of Jesus. Scripture is a gift! When we study who God is, our hearts love him more and our joy overflows into our lives. How has studying scripture turned your heart towards godliness this year? What have you learned?
There will always be blockades to studying God’s word: long to-do lists, wiggly babies, sleepless nights, and empty coffee canisters. You can’t always have the perfect mug of chai, cozy chair by the window, and a silent 30 minutes; so let’s get rid of that mental image of “quiet time.” Instead, let’s come to God and his word in the normal moments of everyday life. How can you embrace studying the Bible in your daily noises, routines, and rhythms? What do you need to change in your routine to make this time a priority?
The overflow of studying God’s word is godliness and joy. This same joy spills into the culture of our homes. We spent a lot of time this year talking about how to grow a gospel culture in our homes. What are some ways you can disciple your children every day – at the breakfast table, in the car, during bedtime snuggles?
Finally, the truest hope for any Christian is our hope in Jesus Christ. We walk in grace, not guilt, because of his death and resurrection on our behalf. The truth of the gospel meets us wherever we are and in whatever way we need. As you reflect on 2017, how has God–through his grace–comforted, trained, challenged, and/or encouraged you this year? What are some areas in your life that require focused prayer for 2018? Let’s bless his name for the good works he has done and will continue to do!
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