Gospel Mom Risen Motherhood Gospel Mom Risen Motherhood

Gospel Mom 03: On Why God Feels Distant + Other Things (GM - C5-6)

For most of us, the idea of spiritual disciplines isn’t new: we know as moms pursuing Christ, it’s important to be in God’s Word, pray, and enjoy godly community. But… we also know it’s easier said than done. How do we find time between packing lunches and keeping everyone’s schedules straight to pursue spiritual habits and disciplines? In this episode, Emily and Laura give us a fresh take on what it means to evaluate our individual needs as moms, and how this frees us to look at spiritual growth differently than many of us have before. By God’s grace, these practices will become less of a checkbox and more of a can’t-miss as we move forward in faith.

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Gospel Mom Risen Motherhood Gospel Mom Risen Motherhood

Gospel Mom 02: On Understanding Why Motherhood is Hard + Other Things (GM - C1-4)

You’ve likely heard “the gospel” before, maybe more times that you can count—but no matter how often we walk through the pattern of Creation-Fall-Redemption-Consummation, we’re still in awe of the way this lens helps us see our motherhood (and all of life, really!) so much more clearly. In this episode, Emily and Laura walk through the gospel framework, providing questions and Scripture along the way for you to apply to your own motherhood. Let this news bring hope to your weary heart today, mom: the Bible really does provide the answers to your modern motherhood questions.

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Gospel Mom Risen Motherhood Gospel Mom Risen Motherhood

Gospel Mom 01: On Being A “Good Mom” + Other Things (GM - C1)

Think fast: when you first became a mom, what expectations did you have? Chances are that many of us planned to be a certain type of mom, intentional or not: the crunchy mom, the do-it-all mom, the ‘little bit of everything’ mom, and so on. But it doesn’t take long in motherhood to realize that our ideal doesn’t always match our life circumstances: that’s why in this episode, Emily and Laura dive into the freedom of gospel motherhood. Inspired by their new book, Gospel Mom, they share three truths we find for motherhood in Scripture and the everlasting hope they bring. Let’s break free of the labels and find our true identity in Christ.

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Ask Us Anything Risen Motherhood Ask Us Anything Risen Motherhood

Ask Us Anything! Fall 2024 Edition

The R|M community never disappoints when it comes to submitting questions for our AUA shows! Here we go again, friends—in this one-hour conversation, Emily and Laura take to the mic to answer your questions. From what they’d tell themselves in the little years to how to find your personal style, sharing favorite recipes and their latest thoughts on aging, this is one you don’t want to miss. As you listen, we hope you don’t feel pressure to do life just like them, but that you see the beauty of the ways the gospel meets us in every season of motherhood.

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Risen Motherhood Risen Motherhood

A Big Announcement from Risen Motherhood (You Don’t Want to Miss This!)

In this special bonus episode, Emily and Laura take to the mic to share a big announcement about what’s ahead for the ministry of Risen Motherhood and why year ten will be its last. Consider it the next-best-thing to a living room coffee date as a community of moms. You’ll hear them share their hearts and walk through this tender topic together.

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Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood

Whole 10: When You Give Grace to Everyone But Yourself

We’ve spent the past nine weeks talking about all of the ways we can pursue God’s design for us as women, but here’s what it really boils down to: mom, do you know how loved, how cherished, how valued you are by your Creator? Do you believe you’re made for more than eating PB&J leftovers at the sink and skipping a shower for days on end? (Ask us how we know!) In this final episode of the Whole mini-series, Emily and Laura remind us that we have dignity and value—not because we claim it for ourselves, but because we bear the very image of God. Even in the busyness of motherhood, we can live as women who are loved by God, redeemed in Christ, and have an important mission in his kingdom. What would it look like to honor his fullness of love for you today?

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Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood

Whole 09: Let Go of the Beachball + What Forgiveness Is (And Isn't)

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to the Christian life: forgiveness. It’s hard, right?! But as we see with every command God gives us, the act of forgiveness is for our own good and flourishing. Many of us have seen how unforgiveness doesn’t stay contained; it seeps out until it permeates a lot of areas of our lives, including motherhood. That’s why Emily and Laura spend this show taking a hard look at forgiveness: what it is, what it isn’t, and why it matters. In this world, we will have trouble—but our Redeemer has overcome it all. In him, we find the power and freedom to forgive as we’ve been forgiven.

*Note: We know this is a broad topic and understand we couldn’t possibly cover all of the intricacies and experiences at play for you personally. Our hope for this show is to provide you with a few thought-starters and Scripture references to understand forgiveness, but if needed we encourage you to reach out to a trusted friend, pastor, or counselor to speak into your personal situation and circumstances as you work through forgiveness in your own relationships.

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Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood

Whole 08: Moms Just Wanna Have Fun—On Being Brave

Mom, when’s the last time you had FUN? For so many good reasons, our tendency as moms can be to stay behind the scenes and keep the trains running on time. We know this is a big responsibility, and we go all-in on taking it seriously. But what if we let our hair down a bit, and experienced the joy of a motherhood rooted in Christ? In this show, Emily and Laura remind us that as whole women of God, we can experience joy, laughter, thrills, and fun—knowing that in Christ, we’re not as fragile as we may feel. When we set our fears down and remind ourselves that God—not mom—is our family’s refuge, strength, and protector, the goodness that awaits on the other side may just take us (and our kiddos) by surprise.

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Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood

Whole 07: Understanding the Seasons of Friendship & Help for When Friends Hurt You

We know that meaningful friendships require time and investment… so what do we do as moms when we have so little of these things to spare?! Or what if we have a great mom-to-mom friendship, but our kids struggle to get along or our lives are starting to look totally different from one another? In this episode, Emily and Laura go DEEP on the joy and hardship of maintaining solid friendships throughout various seasons of motherhood. From how to handle it when a friendship falters to what to consider as you’re pursuing God-glorifying relationships, this show is a can’t-miss if you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head at how to love others well despite your limited capacity. God designed us for flourishing, sanctifying friendships, so let’s be willing to think about this area of our lives intentionally and honor him as we do.

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Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood

Whole 06: Creativity is Not a Luxury—It's For Moms, Too

It doesn’t take long for our heads to start spinning when we think about how creative God is: a sea of textures and colors, a sunset bursting in shades of light, a cool night sky speckled with stars… we could go on and on. As image-bearers, we too are wired with an ability to create—even if it feels we lack the time, talent, or desire to do so. In this episode, Emily and Laura look at the many ways creativity can come to life in motherhood, as well as a few practical ways we can make space to create, even if you don’t necessarily think of yourself as “creative.” Let us set our minds on what is true, pure, and lovely (Phil. 4:8)—and revel in the work of our Creator with every step.

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Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood

Whole 05: Think Outside of Your Four Walls + Tips for How to Read More Books

That to-do list is already overwhelming, so are we *really* about to suggest you read more books… on a motherhood podcast?! Yes, and no. Here’s the thing: we serve a God who communicates to us through story in his Word. We were MADE to feel the beat of creation-fall-redemption-consummation in every narrative we become immersed in, and as we pursue quality literature and fill our minds with redemptive stories, we may just learn more about ourselves and how to love others along the way. In this episode, Emily and Laura don’t just lay out the ‘why’ for reading good books and consuming quality media, but the ‘how’ to do it, even when mom life is crazy busy. By God’s grace, every good, true, and beautiful story will draw us back to him, our perfect Storyteller.

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Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood Whole Mini-Series Risen Motherhood

Whole 04: Bonus! How Stories Shape Your Children + Laura's New Book

Have you ever closed the back cover of a children’s book and found yourself impacted by its message… even if your kids seem unfazed? It’s the power of story at play, and we can learn a lot from it as we seek to teach our kids complex concepts that play out in so many little moments of life. In this special bonus episode, Emily chats with Laura on the ways we can use narrative to teach our children more about God’s design, and how this came to life in Laura’s latest children’s book, A World Wonder. (Side note: if you’re on the hunt for all kinds of book recs for your kids, this show is a must-listen!) God himself is truth, which means we have the joy of finding more of him even within the pages of seemingly simple children’s books.

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