Articles Filed Under: Miscarriage & Infertility
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A Poem for Pregnancy Loss
Even in the devastation of miscarriage, we can find evidence of God’s sustaining grace and redemption hope to cling to.
A Seen Pain: Common Ground at the Cross
Though we each experience unique pains in motherhood, the cross gives us common ground to stand on as we look to Jesus for comfort and strength.
Facing the False Guilt of Infertility
Because Christ has taken our shame to the cross, we can live free from condemnation—even when childlessness seems to define or isolate us.
Loss and Lament: Hope Amidst Miscarriage
In the pain and uncertainty of pregnancy loss, lament can be a means of worship, drawing us close to the Father of mercies.
Hope for the Hard Questions of Miscarriage
Scripture shows us how to bring our questions to God in the wake of miscarriage, trusting his promises of redemption and seeking to honor him in our grief.
Joy and Sorrow: Walking Through the Intricacies of Losing a Child
Christ’s example of grief helps us make space for both joy and sorrow to live together in our hearts, even through the devastating loss of a child.
Learning to Lament
In our pain and grief, lament leads us back to trusting the grace of God.
3 Things Your Friend Who Miscarried Needs to Hear
Here are three of the most effective expressions of care that you can offer a friend in the wake of pregnancy loss.
Secondary Infertility and the God of Abundance
We can be thankful for the children we have and grieve the ones we have lost—trusting that God works all things for our good.
Mamas, Welcome Your Sisters Battling Infertility
You need friends who are struggling with infertility and they need you too. In Christ, we can offer true fellowship to any sister-in-Christ, no matter their stage.
Oh Death, Where Is Your Sting?
The sting of death when you lose a child will flood the heart in moments of deep grief and mournful sorrow, but nothing can take away our hope in the reality that Jesus conquered death.
Grieving a Miscarriage with Hope
Grief without the gospel leads to despair, but Christian grief holds onto hope. We know sin and death will one day end because we have the surety of Christ’s resurrection.
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