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Stolen Years: Trusting Christ with Our Suffering
When suffering keeps us from investing in our families the way we’d hoped, we take comfort that God can use it to point our children to him as their ultimate caregiver.
When the Clock Strikes Midnight: 3 Encouragements for Depressed Moms
In the darkness of depression, our Savior—the “dawn from on high”—stands ready to minister his light and life to our weary souls.
When Grief Becomes Dangerous (and What to Do About It)
When sadness begins to lead us away from the safety and goodness of God’s presence instead of to it, that can be a red flag pointing us to seek deeper help.
Grief’s Good Gifts
God’s gifts of grace are often hidden in the most unexpected places—even amidst our suffering and sorrows.
Learning Contentment in Unwanted Places
When contentment in our circumstances seems impossible, we can be encouraged by Paul’s example of learning to depend on Christ and find ultimate joy in him.
Hope When The Heaviness Will Not Lift
Postpartum depression can feel like a crushing darkness with no end in sight. Here’s hope and encouragement from a mom on the other side.
Jesus, Our Anchor in Suffering
In the midst of dark storms like postpartum depression, a scary medical diagnosis, or shepherding a rebellious child, we can cling to these truths: Jesus understands us, he prays for us, and he will never fail or leave us.
Eternal Hope in Postpartum Depression
“My beautiful daughter was born almost a year ago. When I look at her, I feel the immense joy that comes from parenting a little one so dependent on me, a reminder of my dependence on Jesus alone. However, my joy in parenting did not come quickly or easily.
Within a few days of my daughter’s birth, I knew something was very wrong with me. I felt far away from everyone around me, even the baby I nursed and rocked gently in my arms. Postpartum depression, anxiety, and panic attacks struck me hard and fast.
I felt lost in a lonely world without warmth or joy.
During a Bible study on the book of Romans, a friend reminded me sin affects every area of our lives. My brain went haywire not because of personal weakness, but because we’re fallen people living in a fallen world in desperate need of a Savior.
God faithfully reminded me the world can’t and won’t be perfect. But God makes his presence known in the darkest places because he is the God of light, and his salvation through Jesus shines brighter than any dark place our bodies and minds bring us.
We serve a great God who sees time from the very beginning to the very end. Even the most hidden thoughts of my heart—those scary, terrifying, anxious thoughts—are under God’s mighty and compassionate care. God can still the racing thoughts of our hearts, and heal every recess of our broken minds. We know Jesus will return and establish his kingdom over all the earth, and the world will be beautiful, whole, and perfect forever.
No matter how motherhood challenges you, Jesus will shine light into your darkness and pull you out of the pit in which you are faltering—with strength, power, and the tender care of a mom holding her baby in her arms for the first time.”
Today’s article from Hannah Abrahamson discusses PPD. While we believe the gospel provides hope to women suffering from PPD, this topic requires sensitivity. We encourage anyone who is experiencing PPD to seek additional counsel from a trusted pastor, licensed counselor, or medical doctor.
A Gospel Prescription In Postpartum Depression
"The fog of physical exhaustion, emotional weariness, and feelings of constant failure didn’t lift for at least the first year... I simply wasn’t myself; I felt like a hollow shell of a person. I didn’t enjoy being around people, was increasingly short-tempered...The difference was Postpartum Depression...
For those of you in the throws of PPD...You can rest. It isn’t solely up to you to fix yourself - physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Healing takes time. But as you wait, know God is working on your behalf...
By God’s grace, you can be honest with your husband, open with friends, and seek the counsel of medical professionals, boasting all the more gladly of your weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon you.
Postpartum depression can’t separate you from the love of God, friend (Romans 8:39). Because of the reconciling power of the gospel for believers, “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing” (Zephaniah 3:17).
Even when you’re hurting, trust the gospel’s prescription for your heart and the healing comfort of his nearness."
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