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More Than Meets the Eye: Discovering God’s Purposes for Motherhood
God designs motherhood not just for our happiness but for our holiness—and he will be with us through every hard day.
God Won’t Waste Your Life
When our motherhood achievements don’t feel valuable or impressive enough, we can remind our hearts of the freedom, the call, and the glory of Christ.
Made for More than Motherhood
When motherhood doesn’t satisfy the restless longings of our heart, we’re reminded that our true purpose isn’t in a role, but in a Person—Christ himself.
A Time to Go, A Time to Stay: Embracing God’s Calling in Each Season
In the unseen, ordinary work of motherhood, we can remember that God values and rewards our faithful service.
With God, Nothing is Wasted
Whether we work inside or outside of the home, we trade the worth that we find in our work for the worth of the finished work of Jesus.
The Key to a Mom’s True Happiness
Children are a good gift we can enjoy, but motherhood isn’t the source of our happiness—it’s a context where we can glorify the One who gives us true joy.
Have I Missed My True Calling?
The idea of callings can be confusing. Instead of viewing callings as a way to find fun and fulfillment, let’s remember they’re fundamentally an opportunity to glorify God and find our purpose in him.
Five Reasons God Made You a Mother
Motherhood works towards something. We just need to ask: is it toward our ends or God’s?
Where Are We Going? Leading Your Family with a Gospel-Centered Vision
The most effective parents I know are those who communicate a vision to their kids—those who say, ‘This is who we are. This is who we follow. And this is where we’re going.’
These are parents who take into account the unique giftings, talents, and challenges within their family and work together toward God’s purpose for their family.
In Matthew 28, Jesus gives his disciples one last important charge before he went back to heaven: ‘Make disciples.’
Now, sometimes we read this charge with overseas missionaries in mind—they have gone out into all the world and are making disciples in other lands. But did you know that as a parent, you also have a wide-open mission field right in your own home?
Although the reality of faithfully and daily discipling our kids can be hard, discipleship is simply helping our children see what their faith in Jesus means in the day-to-day.
When we craft a family vision, we’re asking our kids to take this journey of discipleship along with us.
We tell them who we are and where we’re going as a family.
We teach our kids the characteristics of the Christian life that we value most.
We help them see that living a life of following Jesus is the most fulfilling and exciting way to live.
How do we begin to figure out a vision for our family?
God’s Unexpected Purpose for Motherhood
I don’t need to tell you that motherhood is hard work. It’s physically grueling, emotionally exhausting, and intellectually numbing. But one hardship we often overlook as moms is the challenge it makes to our sense of purpose.
Through the consuming trials of motherhood, we lose many of the earthly ways we used to understand the purpose of our lives before—we may no longer work out of the home, our friendships may change, our relationships with our husbands may differ as we make room for the family, and so on.
Because the challenges of motherhood strip away our old identity markers, we are tempted to replace them by finding our purpose in godly motherhood.
Although godly motherhood is valuable, it is not our purpose. It is not our first calling, but the result of it.
Our purpose is first and foremost to love God more.
Therefore, we don’t wrap our purpose up in our children—or in any other relationship. Roles and relationships don’t define who we are and why we are here. Only one relationship defines us: our relationship with God.
Dear Mommies, we are so much more than the summation of our children. His purpose for your motherhood is that you would know him better, love him more, depend completely on his strength, and understand his faithfulness in a new way.
Motherhood Builds a Legacy of Glory for Eternity
I think every person has a desire to see results - to feel like something is happening from our efforts, that they're making a difference. We are a culture of instant gratification after all. But when all you're doing most of the day is picking up fuzz, crumbs and toys off the floor, it can be hard to see the value. It feels very ... small. But the truth is, motherhood is not small work. It is a slow process, one that isn't obvious or grand to the world - it takes stamina, patience and vision - but the results are things legacies are made of.
How to Stay Focused on Your Family's Ministry and Giftings
When it comes to being a family "on mission" for the gospel, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparison. As we admire what God is doing through the lives of other families (who seem to never waiver in their good works, heart for the lost, or desire to sacrifice) we can chain ourselves to the iron ball of condemnation.
Without even realizing it, our mission becomes about living-up and impressing those around us with radical service INSTEAD of resting in the full righteousness Jesus purchased on our behalf.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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