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Keeping Christ First in Our Lifestyle Choices
The gospel gives us much freedom with our family’s lifestyle choices but also protects us from placing too much emphasis on them.
Trusting God as Your Family Grows
When we’re overwhelmed at the prospect of welcoming another child, we can anchor our plans and rest our worries on God—who is sovereignly working out good for our families.
The Hallway: Trusting God in the Middle of Motherhood
We can trust God in our motherhood both looking forward (at the days to come) and back (at past mistakes).
Limited-Edition Gifts
As time with our children marches along, we can embrace each new and fleeting season as a gracious gift from God’s hand.
Two Truths and a Lie for Nostalgic Mothers
When waves of nostalgia hit, the gospel reminds us to hold the past both gratefully and realistically—and to fix our eyes on the hope yet to come.
A Letter for the Letting-Go Years
Like any major transition, the letting-go years of motherhood are an opportunity to fix our identity in Christ, live for his glory, and continue investing in the work before us.
The Gift of Loneliness: 3 Ways God Uses Our Desert Seasons
Loneliness in motherhood is an opportunity to draw near to God in faith and trust him to provide the community we need—even if it’s different than we expected.
New to the Neighborhood: Gospel Hope When You’re Longing for Friendship
When we feel the loneliness and uncertainty of being a newcomer, the gospel reminds us that friendship is a good gift—created, redeemed, and restored by our God.
10 Tips for Introducing Littles to Corporate Worship
Preparing our kids to worship alongside God’s people in church begins with small, attainable steps—and an abundance of encouragement and grace.
Two Truths and a Lie about Moving
Through the uncertainties of moving, we can remind ourselves and our kids of God’s faithfulness and keep our eyes out for his good provisions wherever we are.
Family On Mission: Standing Fast in Cultural Currents
Establishing a personal mission for our family can help us make God-glorifying decisions and resist the pull of an ungodly culture.
The Best Choice: Bringing Christ into Our Decision-Making
In a world full of dizzying options and opinions, Luke 10 reminds us that Christ alone is our one necessity.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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