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When the Foundations Shake: Comforting Our Children During Stressful Times
In times of turbulence, we can comfort our kids by our preparations, our prayers and trust in God’s sovereignty, our presence, and our songs over them.
5 Ways God’s Character Transforms Motherhood
The answer to our weaknesses and limitations in motherhood isn’t to know ourselves or our kids better—it’s to know God better.
The School of Faith
God doesn’t always show us why he allows specific situations and suffering, but he does show us why we can trust him.
School May Be Shaky, but God is a Sure Foundation
Instead of worrying about whether we made a good decision, we can rest in God’s goodness and his plans for us.
Approaching the Final Exam of Motherhood
We all want an A+ grade for our reputation and our kids’ good behavior , don’t we? But the gospel says our kids aren’t projects to ace, but sinners in need of grace.
When You Don’t Measure Up
When we realize we’re not enough and that we can’t live out our “right” way of doing motherhood, there is good news that frees us from shame.
God Has Purpose In Our Pain
When it feels like you can’t hold it all together, remember it’s God who holds you with loving compassion and steadfast grace.
Contentment in Motherhood
Stomach bugs. Hitting. Biting. Lice. Bed-wetting. Tantrums. Sleepless nights. Exhausting days.
Each day you wake up with a plan, only to find your efforts dismantled before you’ve even finished your first cup of coffee. Like a rudderless boat tossed back & forth on the waves, our days rarely go the way we hope. With so many ups & downs, plans made & plans delayed, how do we learn the secret of contentment in the season of motherhood?
Is it even possible?
The short answer? Yes, I believe it is possible.
Often, I picture contentment being a moment of stillness when everything surrounding me is calm & peaceful. Beds are made, dishes are done, children are napping, & I’m sitting on a cool porch in the sunlight with a hot cup of tea.
In this situation, I’m hoping for outward peace in my circumstances to work inward peace in my soul.
However, Christian contentment works in the opposite direction.
Christian contentment is an inward assurance in God’s sovereignty & goodness that produces the fruit of joy & peace & thanksgiving in the life of a believer, regardless of outward circumstances.
Notice the difference—Christian contentment begins inward & is independent of daily events & circumstances. Its source is God’s character & his plan, not our own. It’s rooted in the belief that God is working all things for our greatest good—fashioning & shaping us into the image of Jesus.
This belief allows us to view every tantrum & trial as a means by which God is at work in us, not just us at work in our child.
How do we take hold of Christ’s strength? He tells us, ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me & I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.’
We need time with Jesus each day because without him, we’re powerless. He’s the source of strength we need & the refreshment we seek.
We desperately need the truth of God’s word to remind us of the good news of the gospel.
Today, God is at work in every detail of your day. He never forgets you & he always sees you. Take your worries & concerns, hopes & dreams to him. Trust in him, rest in him.
Surrendered Motherhood
We claim to believe it, but what really stirs in our hearts when we don’t get the job we applied for? How about when our kids disobey, or don’t do things the way we hope? What runs through our minds when dinner burns, or—even more practically—when our little one wakes early and interrupts our morning “quiet time?”...
What if we accepted the beauty that God, in his sovereignty, wants to cultivate something different than we expected in the hours of that missed nap? We might have a fussy toddler on one hip and a screaming baby on the other, but circumstances like these press us into the joy of sanctification that the Lord graciously ordained in order that we might look more like his Son.
He isn’t asking us to go anywhere that he himself hasn’t been. Isn’t this what Jesus did for us over 2,000 years ago as he prayed, ““Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done” (Luke 22:42).
By his example, Jesus enables us to surrender everything about our lives for the sake of those around us.
Where to Next?
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