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Radiant Faces: Practicing Gratitude in Difficult Circumstances
As we look to Jesus, we grow in contentment, gratitude, and peace—regardless of our circumstances.
A Liturgy for the Mom Walking through a Child’s Diagnosis
In our anguish over a child’s diagnosis, we can prayerfully cast ourselves on the God who is our Creator, Father, Sustainer, omnipresent Guide, and Savior.
Stolen Years: Trusting Christ with Our Suffering
When suffering keeps us from investing in our families the way we’d hoped, we take comfort that God can use it to point our children to him as their ultimate caregiver.
Hope for Mamas with Sick Babies
In the midst of nurturing a sick little one, we can find hope in the fact that God is both Comforter and Creator.
A Poem for Pregnancy Loss
Even in the devastation of miscarriage, we can find evidence of God’s sustaining grace and redemption hope to cling to.
How Do I Talk to My Kids about Tragic Events?
Tragic events in our world give us opportunities to talk with our kids about the very real consequences of the fall—but to also point forward to the hope of Christ’s redemption.
God with Us: Finding Immanuel in Our Toughest Trials
The truth we celebrate at Christmas—that Christ has come to be Immanuel, “God with us”—is the truth that also anchors us through our deepest valleys.
Learning Gratitude from the Psalms
The psalmists guide us in meshing both deep lament and heartfelt thanksgiving to God, reminding us that, at all times, “he has dealt bountifully with us.”
A Letter for Moms with a Neurodivergent Child
Through the challenges and unknowns of mothering a neurodivergent child, we can expect God to continue showing us his goodness and grace.
Grief Reharmonized
Though the melody of our grief is bitter, the underlying chord of the gospel reharmonizes it with hope.
A Seen Pain: Common Ground at the Cross
Though we each experience unique pains in motherhood, the cross gives us common ground to stand on as we look to Jesus for comfort and strength.
Let Your Heart Take Courage: Waiting on the Lord in an Adoption Process
As we wait for a precious child to join our family, we can wait in hope and dependence on the God who draws near to us.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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