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Planted in the Love of God: Breaking Free from Performance Anxiety
When we find roots of performance-based identity and idolatry in our hearts (or our children’s), we can turn in faith to the only One who did meet the mark—Jesus.
No Boast but Christ: Walking through Postpartum Anxiety
When postpartum anxiety reminds us of our inability to boast in ourselves, we can lean into the Savior whose “power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).
Missing Mom: Christ’s Comfort on Difficult Mother’s Days
When Mother’s Day is a painful reminder of loss, we can trust God to help us walk the tension of “sorrowful, yet always rejoicing” (2 Cor. 6:10).
The Gift of Loneliness: 3 Ways God Uses Our Desert Seasons
Loneliness in motherhood is an opportunity to draw near to God in faith and trust him to provide the community we need—even if it’s different than we expected.
When Grief Becomes Dangerous (and What to Do About It)
When sadness begins to lead us away from the safety and goodness of God’s presence instead of to it, that can be a red flag pointing us to seek deeper help.
Grief’s Good Gifts
God’s gifts of grace are often hidden in the most unexpected places—even amidst our suffering and sorrows.
When We Fear the Worst
No matter what he calls us to walk through, God is trustworthy and good, and so we can trade our fears for faith.
Finding Christ in Life’s Losses
Jesus can use the darkness of grief—even the loss of a precious child—to reveal deeper depths of his character and love for us.
Overwhelmed: How Christ Bears a Mother’s Burdens
When we’re weighed down by responsibilities and pressures, we look to the Savior who sustains us today—and to the hope of his victory over all that overwhelms us.
Strains of the Season: Winter Blues
We can look to Christ—our joy and our strength—and receive his gifts of Scripture, song, and community to help us fight our battles against the winter blues.
When Your Past Comes Calling: Healing from an Abortion
When the shame of a past abortion confronts us anew, we find a sure hope and comfort in the blood of Jesus.
Praying the Word: When You’re Searching for Joy
As we seek true and lasting joy, Christ shows us the way and serves as our example.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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