Ep. 08 || Top Knots & Leggings: What Difference Does Your Momiform Make?
This episode is for moms who are struggling to understand how their daily self-care routine impacts their ability to serve their family well. Whether you spend one hour or two minutes pulling yourself together, Emily and Laura discuss the challenges and benefits to "getting ready for the day" (whatever that means to you). How can a mom harness the advantages of styled hair and lovely clothes without shifting her focus onto temporal things?
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
Capsule Experiment (including an explanation and a free wardrobe planner!) - Unfancy
Life Lived Beautifully Fashion Week - by Gretchen Saffles
Feminine Beauty: The Outside, the inside, & God's design - Amanda Peacock for True Woman
Fading Beauty, Mom Jeans, & The Realities of Marriage - Jess Connell
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