Farewell 02: Did We Over-Spiritualize Motherhood? (And Other Critiques of the Ministry)

Anytime you produce something public, you open yourself up to criticism—and Risen Motherhood was no different. Over the years, we received feedback of all kinds: encouraging, loving, constructively critical, and at times, hurtful. Maybe you’ve experienced the same in your own ministry work, or simply in everyday life. In this episode, Emily and Laura unpack some of these critiques and share their hearts for why they did or didn’t make certain decisions throughout the life of the ministry. Honestly, R|M wasn’t for everyone. But the gospel is for everyone, and we’re so grateful for the ways the Lord used us to bring the hope of Christ to so many moms. To him be the glory!

Need encouragement that what you’re doing matters?

Do you find yourself wondering what all the work of motherhood is for? Or living for naptime, family vacations, or becoming an empty-nester? As moms, it can be easy to wish away one season for another, but God has given and ordained every moment in motherhood for your good and his glory. If you need the reminder that the work you’re doing is important and valuable, then A Million Tiny Moments: Reflections to Refresh a Mom’s Spirit was written just for you.

Releasing March 4, 2025, this book operates like a reference book with short, instant encouragement for every season.

R|M Apply Questions:

  • Have you received feedback from a peer or friend that stuck with you, for better or worse? When you look at what you believe God’s called you to in this season, does this feedback provide a helpful challenge or a hurtful rebuke? 

    • Consider praying and journaling through this and ask the Lord to give you wisdom when criticism sticks with you.

  • How can you hold the ideas that “motherhood is hard” and “motherhood is a blessing” at the same time? Are there any specific ways you’ve seen the Lord work through your hard moments of motherhood that drew you closer to him?

  • In the show, Emily and Laura discuss how they learned to think about proactive content vs. reactive content. Is there a parallel for you here in your own ministry work, public presence, or even day-to-day conversations? Pray that the Lord would give you wisdom in knowing what he’s leading you to say in the various capacities in which you speak.

  • Read Romans 11:36. How does this encourage you that even the mundane moments of motherhood matter to God and he can work in those?

Celebrate the final days of R|M with us!

ICYMI, Risen Motherhood is closing its doors in April 2025. Before we do, we'd love for you to join us for a celebration of all God has done through this ministry. Click here for all the info on how to snag a ticket for our live simulcast!


This episode is brought to you by our generous donors.


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  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

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Farewell 03: What You’re Doing Matters, Mom. Here’s Why.


Farewell 01: Exit Interviews—How R|M Changed Us