Farewell 05: Motherhood and The Internet—Our Predictions
It’s no secret that the Internet has changed and shifted multiple times over since Risen Motherhood kicked off in 2016—as technology moves at an ever-faster pace, Emily and Laura thought it would be fun to think about what the future of motherhood in the digital age will look like. More importantly, they share a few practical thoughts on how we as Christian moms can think wisely about the way we consume content from online influences. The cherry on top? They end with a few fun predictions for one another: what their future projects may look like, how the Lord will continue to work in and through them, and more. Fortunately for us, God has already planned every step; we can’t wait to see what he has in store.
Mentioned on the Show:
Register for your FREE ticket for the R|M Legacy Celebration Simulcast here!
Grab your copy of A Million Tiny Moments by Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler here!
Revelation: Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom by Jen Wilkin
Follow Emily Jensen: Instagram | Email List
Follow Laura Wifler: Instagram | Email List
Need encouragement that what you’re doing matters?
Do you find yourself wondering what all the work of motherhood is for? Or living for naptime, family vacations, or becoming an empty-nester? As moms, it can be easy to wish away one season for another, but God has given and ordained every moment in motherhood for your good and his glory. If you need the reminder that the work you’re doing is important and valuable, then A Million Tiny Moments: Reflections to Refresh a Mom’s Spirit was written just for you.
Available now, this book operates like a reference book with short, instant encouragement for every season.
R|M Apply Questions:
Take some time to gauge the way you approach social media and mom influencers today. Here are two questions Laura mentioned on the show that may be a helpful start:
How much time am I spending with this influencer? (Think how often you’re watching their TikTok videos or Instagram stories, etc.)
How am I modeling this influencer, and does that model Christ?
Read Hebrews 4:12. Spend some time in prayer that the Spirit will prompt you to stay rooted in God’s Word, even when the ‘quick help’ appeal of the Internet tempts us to run there first.
In the show, Laura mentions three ways that Satan attempts to pull us away from the church body: deception, seduction, and persecution. What are some ways you have experienced this in your own life?
Consider the ways you’re rooted in your local church vs. the time you devote to social media. Pray that the Lord will reveal to you if you need more involvement with women in your local context, and/or need to re-evaluate your time spent online. (Psst! There is no hard and fast rule here; trust the Spirit to convict you accordingly! There is grace for you in Christ.)
Celebrate the final days of R|M with us!
ICYMI, Risen Motherhood is closing its doors in April 2025. Before we do, we'd love for you to join us for a celebration of all God has done through this ministry. Click here for all the info on how to snag a ticket for our live simulcast!
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