Ep. 11 || What is Mom's Time Worth?
As moms, we have a lot of demands on our time. The world tells us we should "do it all", not leaving room for weakness or balance. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the biblical vision for motherhood, sharing areas of their own lives where they've needed to wave the white flag and find extra support. If you're feeling pressed for time and overwhelmed, listen in for encouragement and practical ideas for organizing your priorities.
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
Developing Our Second Bests - Abigail Dodds for Desiring God
Motherhood as a Mission Field - Rachel Jankovic (excerpt from Mom Enough book)
The Everyday Question of Motherhood - Christine Hoover (excerpt from Mom Enough book)
Mom, Are You Doing it Right? - Ashley Haupt, For the Church blog
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