Abide 05: Here’s Why You Should Memorize Scripture

School snacks, show-and-tell day, sports practices, meal prep, and more . . . with so many things to remember in motherhood, it makes sense why Scripture memory feels impossible. We wonder how we can make time for it, if it will really stick, or if we can save it for a day when life looks a little less chaotic. In this episode, Emily and Laura encourage us to consider the ways memorizing Scripture brings the life-giving hope we need in the busy seasons of motherhood. By hiding God’s Word in our hearts, we may be surprised at the ways it gives us joy, hope, and guidance the next time we face an unexpected sick day, run late for a meeting, or tackle our chore list.

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At Risen Motherhood, we use The Abide Method for studying the Bible. Similar to the Inductive Bible Study method, this is a way of studying the Bible that puts God first. As image-bearers of God, we can only understand ourselves correctly through the lens of who God is, carefully studying the character and purposes of God, as revealed in Scripture. This is critical to a Christian's growth and maturity.

Engaging in a deliberate and dedicated study of God's word can feel slow and difficult at times. It will mean some frustration, questions and learning to live deep in the "I don't know." But over time, seeking to understand the true meaning of God's word provides a backdrop for gospel-centered thinking, allowing us to discern truth and make wise decisions through a biblical lens. 

Ultimately, proper study of the scriptures will increase our knowledge of God transforming us into his image as the affections of our heart follow our minds. "[For when we] behold the glory of the Lord [we are] transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another." (2 Corinthians 3:18)


This mini-series is brought to you by our generous donors.


R|M Apply Questions:

  • If you don’t memorize Scripture right now, list out 2-3 reasons why you don’t. (Psst . . . there’s no guilt here! This is just to help you understand what might be stopping you.)  What practical steps could you take to make Scripture memory more doable for you in this season? 

  • Read Colossians 3:16. Consider a time when you’ve said something hurtful, or felt the sting of fear or doubt in your own mind as you go throughout the day. How would letting the Word of Christ dwell in you richly infuse hope in a moment like this?

  • Do you have something specific that feels heavy on your heart right now? Whether it’s just been an off day or you’re walking through a season of deep grief, identify 2-3 verses in Scripture that you can write down and read through for a few minutes (or more!) each day to encourage you.

  • Walk through Psalm 119 and list some of the benefits of knowing God’s Word. Do you think you can experience these gifts apart from his Word and how he desires for us to live?

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  • Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on social media.

  • Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.

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Abide Bonus: 5 Tips for Scripture Memory


Abide 04: Truths for the Mom Experiencing Doubt