Podcast Filtered By: Pregnancy & Postpartum


Ep. 88 || Momma Needs Her Sleep: Gospel Hope For the Tired Mom

As moms, we spend a lot of time thinking about sleep, like, “Will I get to have it?” and “I can’t sleep – I have too much to do!” From tiny baby bellies to late-night toddler questions, we sacrifice our sleep out of love and service to Christ through caring for our families. In this episode, Laura and Emily discuss how the gospel gives hope to the weary, sleepy mom (most of us, right?). In light of God’s promises to us, we no longer worship sleep as an idol or ignore our need for rest. Instead, Christ has freed us from either extreme, offering us true rest and hope in himself. We may be tired, but we can trust him with our needs.

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Pregnancy & Postpartum, Body Image, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood Pregnancy & Postpartum, Body Image, Emotions & Mental Health Risen Motherhood

Ep. 71 || Mom Bods and the Gospel

Regardless of how long it’s been since having a baby, we can easily tie too much self-worth to our external appearance. Our confidence can be sky high one morning when we see that “number we’ve been waiting for,” and drop to the ground when it we see a friend who looks better-than-before-baby. But what does the gospel say about how we should view our MomBods? In this special “welcome back” episode, newly postpartum moms Emily and Laura discuss common cultural mindsets about body image, encouraging themselves and others to believe the truths presented in scripture. God isn’t shaming our postpartum bodies, and we shouldn’t either.

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Ep. 60 || Adding Another Little: How Mom Can Greet the Transition With Hope

Many moms wonder, "What is it going to be like to add another little one to our family?"...Through childbirth or adoption, the season of transition can cause everyone anxiety. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about the the way we face our limitations by looking to Christ, who ultimately fills our hearts with hope, not fear. God doesn't promise to spare us from spit-up, sleepless nights, blow-outs, or frustrated older siblings, but He does promise to use all things for our good and His glory. It's often the "out of control" seasons that remind us who's really in control.

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Pregnancy & Postpartum, Grief & Suffering Risen Motherhood Pregnancy & Postpartum, Grief & Suffering Risen Motherhood

Ep. 52 || Gospel-Hope for Postpartum Depression with Lindsey Carlson

Have you ever felt like you can't shake the baby blues? Like maybe you've recovered from childbirth physically, but emotionally, you feel like an empty shell of who you once were? It's possible that you are battling postpartum depression (PPD). In this episode, writer and speaker, Lindsey Carlson discusses her struggles with PPD, giving practical insight and gospel-hope to other moms. She answers questions like, "How do I know if this is PPD or the baby blues?" and "What's the next step if I think I might have PPD?" But most importantly, she reinforces the truth that in Christ, PPD doesn't define our identity and it definitely isn't the end of our story. Whether you are walking through this, or you have a friend or family member with questions, this is a must-listen on a sensitive topic that many moms face.

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Pregnancy & Postpartum, Pain & Sickness Risen Motherhood Pregnancy & Postpartum, Pain & Sickness Risen Motherhood

Ep. 34 || Recovering From A Traumatic Birth: Laura's Story

Nearly 35 percent of women experience a traumatic birth and most women take at least 12 months to acknowledge or realize the true affects of what happened to them. In today's episode, Laura is sharing her story of a traumatic birth with her firstborn. Sharing her feelings of inadequacy, anger, shame, blame and comparison, Laura talks through what happened and how she healed from a traumatic birth, finding hope in the gospel. Whether you experienced a traumatic birth in the past, or just feel discouraged that your birth that didn't live up to your expectations, today's show will help you process and recover, turning a disappointing birth story into one filled with meaning and hope.

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Pregnancy & Postpartum, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Pregnancy & Postpartum, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 27 || Intentional Motherhood: It's The Little Things

With young children, the years might speed by, but the days can feel like they go on forever. It's tempting to live for the next big milestone, fun moment, or restful break. Instead of asking, "How can I be faithful in this moment for the glory of God?" we find ourselves asking, "How can I burn through the next few hours and just make it to bedtime?" In this episode, Emily and Laura identify with this common trap, and discuss ways to keep our eyes on our primary mission. Passing along our faith to the next generation isn't just something that happens in the big moments. Instead, it's the humble collection of a million daily interactions over the course of a childhood.

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Pregnancy & Postpartum Risen Motherhood Pregnancy & Postpartum Risen Motherhood

Ep. 26 || When Birth Doesn't Go to Plan

A number of scenarios can lead to disappointment after childbirth, especially when you compare your real-life experience to your carefully-crafted plans. You're grateful for the sweet baby in your arms, but sometimes, that doesn't completely silence the lurking questions you have about your childbirth. "Could it have gone better? Should I have made different choices? Did I do something wrong?" In today's episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own disappointments in childbirth and how hoping in God's good plans helped them find peace. Freedom comes when we realize we are not defined by our birth story, but our Savior.

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Pregnancy & Postpartum Risen Motherhood Pregnancy & Postpartum Risen Motherhood

Ep. 25 || Preparing for Birth: Heart Attitudes When Writing Your Birth Plan

With labor on the horizon, we want to do everything we can to prepare for a safe, healthy and stress-free delivery. But what starts as good desires for well-laid plans, can quickly become an unhealthy idol of control. We start to think that if we just get the right method, the right classes, the right scents, the right sounds, the right environment and the right helpers, then we are nearly guaranteed the birth of our dreams. In this episode, Emily and Laura share their high expectations from previous pregnancies, seeking to understand how our good desires intersect with hope in God's good plans. Because ultimately, our identities aren't wrapped up in how we gave birth, but to whom we belong.

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Pregnancy & Postpartum, Comparison, Food, Little Years Risen Motherhood Pregnancy & Postpartum, Comparison, Food, Little Years Risen Motherhood

Ep. 13 || Breastfeeding & Bottle Feeding: How the Gospel Changes the Conversation

Every mom spends a tremendous amount of time feeding their baby.  Whether we had carefully laid plans, many choices at our disposal, or the choice was made for us; bringing new life into the world forces to us walk headlong into our first big task as a mom. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their experiences with this issue, shifting the conversation away from judgement and comparison.  What would happen if we refused to let our feeding method define our first year with a child, and instead, treasured Christ above all else?

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Body Image, Pregnancy & Postpartum Risen Motherhood Body Image, Pregnancy & Postpartum Risen Motherhood

Ep. 03 || Postpartum Body Image

In this episode Emily and Laura discuss the hard realities of postpartum body image, including reflections from their own experiences.  Grab your coffee and listen in to this real life conversation of two moms trying to sort through the lies and struggles that come with expanding hips and waistlines.  Stick with it to the end for nuggets of truth to speak to yourself as you cling to your true identity in Christ!

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