Podcast Filtered By: Little Years
Ep. 157 || The Little Years Are Not the Lost Years
The Bible is the timeless word of God, but finding time to study it as a mom of young children can feel nearly impossible. Does it count as a quiet time if we’re surrounded by noisy children? How is it possible that no matter how early we wake up for Bible study, our children seem to wake up earlier? The little years bring real struggles for spending time in God’s word, but there’s hope! In this special bonus episode, Emily and Laura share a chapter from their book, Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments, called, “The Little Years are Not the Lost Years.” In it, they offer encouragement and practical tips for spending time in God’s word and growing in our love for the gospel, even during busy seasons of motherhood.
Ep. 135 || The Husbands Weigh In: How Does the Gospel Shape Marriage in the Little Years?
Why does marriage feel so hard in the little years? After pouring your energy and brain power out for your kiddos, it’s easy to offer your spouse the leftovers. In this episode, Emily and Laura invite some very special guests on the show to talk about marriage with little ones: their husbands, Brad Jensen and Mike Wifler! Dates may look different, conversations may constantly be interrupted, and serving one another may look mundane, but the gospel can breathe new life into marriage. The gospel story reminds us of God’s faithfulness as he works in our hearts—and the joy of partnering with others in the process.
Ep. 117 || “Mommy, Can I Watch a Show?”: Screen Time & the Gospel
Screen time can be a hot topic. We wonder, “Is there a formula for the right amount of TV time?” “Is 30 minutes or 45 minutes holier?” “Do you think my kids will be quiet if I put on a show and hide in the kitchen?” But what we need to ask is, “What’s going on in my heart?” In this episode, Emily and Laura share gospel hope for two issues in many moms’ hearts: guilt and fear. Whether you’ve used screen time to avoid the craziness of the day or created a system of rules to guarantee a particular outcome, the gospel meets you there with wisdom and hope.
Ep. 97 || Locking Arms With Moms Ahead of Us
You’re not the first mom to wonder, “How often should I bathe my kid?” or “How do you teach a stubborn child to obey?” Since other moms have asked these same questions, there may be someone with the biblical insight you need in your season of motherhood. In this episode, Laura and Emily remind us that looking to and learning from a mom who is in a season ahead of us can be a helpful way to apply biblical truth to the difficult situations in our lives! Despite our different life circumstances, we can learn from and teach one another because of our common status as believers in Christ. From one momma to another, let’s pass on God’s wisdom.
Ep. 88 || Momma Needs Her Sleep: Gospel Hope For the Tired Mom
As moms, we spend a lot of time thinking about sleep, like, “Will I get to have it?” and “I can’t sleep – I have too much to do!” From tiny baby bellies to late-night toddler questions, we sacrifice our sleep out of love and service to Christ through caring for our families. In this episode, Laura and Emily discuss how the gospel gives hope to the weary, sleepy mom (most of us, right?). In light of God’s promises to us, we no longer worship sleep as an idol or ignore our need for rest. Instead, Christ has freed us from either extreme, offering us true rest and hope in himself. We may be tired, but we can trust him with our needs.
Ep. 81 || Celebrating Advent with Little Ones
One of the most exciting things we can teach our children is that Jesus came to earth as a tiny baby and that he’s coming back as the King. This past-and-future perspective is at the heart of the Advent season as we celebrate what has happened and wait expectantly for what is to come. On this episode, Emily and Laura explain the meaning of advent, sharing ways to celebrate, and encourage moms to find freedom in the Christmas season. Instead of running into the holidays with added pressure of one more thing, we can look to Christ and celebrate the gospel story in our homes from an overflow of joy.
Ep. 60 || Adding Another Little: How Mom Can Greet the Transition With Hope
Many moms wonder, "What is it going to be like to add another little one to our family?"...Through childbirth or adoption, the season of transition can cause everyone anxiety. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about the the way we face our limitations by looking to Christ, who ultimately fills our hearts with hope, not fear. God doesn't promise to spare us from spit-up, sleepless nights, blow-outs, or frustrated older siblings, but He does promise to use all things for our good and His glory. It's often the "out of control" seasons that remind us who's really in control.
Ep. 59 || Answering the Question: How Many Children Should We Have?
Even before walking down the aisle, questions start coming your way, "So when are you going to have children and how many do you guys want to have?!" As a couple who just wants to settle into married life first, it's natural to take the path-of-least resistance, neglecting to intentionally consider the hard questions about family planning. In this episode, Emily and Laura share the unexpected ways that God has shaped their ideas about children -- including family size, caring for orphans, and being unified with their husbands. There is no formula for a perfect Christian family plan, but we can all rest in our gospel-freedom, embracing children as the Lord does (sacrifices, messiness and all!).
Ep. 55 || Hospitality in the Little Years
Letting others into the imperfect mess of daily life is challenging in the easiest seasons, and holds particular stresses with little ones around. But should obstacles like disorganized toy rooms, meal planning, noise, and messes be a major deterrent to welcoming others in the name of Christ? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the biblical call to hospitality, and consider its importance, even in the season of young children. Because God welcomed us into his family when we were strangers at great personal cost to himself, we can extend that same welcome to others, even when it's not convenient.
Ep. 51 || Family Devotions in the Season of Young Children
Busyness, squirmy children, silly questions, and feeling insecure about talking to toddlers about Jesus are all things that hinder intentional discipleship in the season of young children. When you feel like you can't live up to that other family, or your ideal picture of family devotion time, it's tempting to do nothing. But regardless the challenges, we're still responsible for sharing God's word with our children. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how they've altered their expectations for family worship, and share practical ideas for getting started. If the gospel is everything to us, and we are deeply grateful for God's word, we will show our children how to feast off of the bread of life.
Ep. 47 || Facing the Cold & Flu Season With Grace
As winter presses on, so do the fevers, empty kleenex boxes, and doctor's office visits. When an illness means so much stress on the whole family, how can mom avoid bitterness, trust God and walk with grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura sympathize with the exhausting aspects of cold and flu season, while also sharing ideas about how the gospel transforms our perspective on common winter illnesses. Regardless of whether our little one has an ear infection or a bad cough, God calls us to the radical response of giving thanks for His goodness in all things.
Ep. 21 || Using Naptime Well
Maybe you have kiddos that nap for hours on end, giving you time to balance numerous responsibilities. Or maybe, you go to battle everyday just to get 30 minutes of peace and quiet. Whatever your circumstances, Jesus understands what it's like to be needed, and he also understands laying it all down for the sake of those he loves. On today's episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common challenges of naptime and how to make the most of the situation. Because ultimately, all of our time belongs to the Lord, and no amount of peace and quiet will provide the lasting peace we crave.
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