Ep. 27 || Intentional Motherhood: It's The Little Things
With young children, the years might speed by, but the days can feel like they go on forever. It's tempting to live for the next big milestone, fun moment, or restful break. Instead of asking, "How can I be faithful in this moment for the glory of God?" we find ourselves asking, "How can I burn through the next few hours and just make it to bedtime?" In this episode, Emily and Laura identify with this common trap, and discuss ways to keep our eyes on our primary mission. Passing along our faith to the next generation isn't just something that happens in the big moments. Instead, it's the humble collection of a million daily interactions over the course of a childhood.
Mentioned on the Show:
Parenting for Eternity, Not Just 5 p.m. - Jen Wilkin Interview
Idols of a Mom's Heart - RM Episode 21
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
The Joy, Work, Beauty of Motherhood: A Day in the Life - The Gospel Coalition
The One Thing That Matters Most - Tim Challies
Work That Makes a Difference - Tim Challies
Finding Meaning in the Mundane Moments of Motherhood - Melissa Krueger & Erin Davis
Mama's Hands Are Full: Gloria Furman on Treasuring Christ in the Trenches - Christina Fox / Gloria Furman
Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full - Book Trailer
Celebrating the Ordinary Liturgies of Life - Holly Packiam
The Impact of the Mundane - Revive Our Hearts
No Mundane Tasks - Revive Our Hearts
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