Ep. 158 || Ask Us Anything! Spring 2020 Edition
Whenever we ask the R|M community for questions, they range from lighthearted and practical to thought-provoking and theological, which makes the AUA show something special. In this one-hour episode, Emily and Laura answer listeners’ questions from how to survive motherhood without family support and how to protect children from negative influences, to how they maintain privacy for their families on social media and what their quiet time looks like. We hope as you listen, you’ll see how the gospel applies to everything and how we have freedom in Christ to serve our families in unique ways.
What is your favorite non-spiritual activity, if you were gifted one hour to yourself?
Are you a coffee or a tea girl?
What is one product or life hack that you love and has impacted your life?
What is a trend you regret following now that you're looking back?
Do you run errands with your kids in tow or by yourself after dad is home?
What encouragement would you give to moms who don't have family support?
I was very involved in church activities before having a baby, but now I'm very stressed trying to keep it all up. What do I do?
Do you have friends from other theological persuasions?
How can you protect your child from negative influences in the world, yet help them be lights in the world?
How do you both maintain privacy for your children and husbands on social media?
When you're feeling in a hole with your kids—nothing you're doing is working, no matter how much you pray and try, there is still no movement in the challenge area—where do you go from there?
What do you do when you feel overwhelmed by the longevity of caring for special needs?
What does a quiet time look like for you with kids?
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Related R|M Resources:
Risen Motherhood: Gospel Hope for Everyday Moments, Emily Jensen & Laura Wifler
Ep. 137, Walking & Learning Together: How Moms in the Local Church Help One Another
Ep. 128, “I Just Can’t Make it to Bible Study”: How Busy Moms Get Involved
“Special: How the Gospel Shape the Unique Journey of Special Needs Parenting” Katie Blackburn
“Six Tips for Getting into God’s Word as a Mom of Young Children”
Around the web:
We’re grateful to Christian Standard Bible, a Bible translation for everyone, for making this week’s show possible. Whether reading to a child or teaching in your women’s ministry, the CSB will be accurate, readable, and shareable. Find out more at csbible.com.
R|M Apply Questions:
Motherhood is hard when we don’t have a support network. How could you support moms around you who need some extra help? What extra support might you need and how could you cultivate that network?
Whether or not special needs are a part of our families, we all face uncertainties. What challenges or uncertainties tend to make you fearful? Think ahead to the future in light of God’s promises. How might he sustain you and care for you in the midst of those challenges or uncertainties?
Protecting our kids while helping them to be a light in the world can be challenging. How can using the categories of being protective, proactive, and reactive help you make wise decisions for you kids?
It’s easy to grow weary of dealing with the same struggles with a child over and over. What’s an area of your child’s life where you feel stuck or discouraged? What might it look like for you to bear with your child and love him/her where they are today, even as you prayerfully hope for change?
God’s word is our life, but having a quiet time in the little years can be challenging. What does having a quiet time look like for you right now? If you have a regular rhythm of spending time with the Lord, how would you like to grow and deepen that time? If not, what’s one change you could make to prioritize time with the Lord?
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