Social Media 01: Wake Up
Whether we recognize it or not, social media is changing us. It changes how we interact with people. It even changes our motherhood—what we buy, what strategies we use, and where we go for hope and help. In the first episode of our social media mini-series, Laura and Emily invite us to wake-up to the impact of social media on our lives. If we want to know how to swim in the waters of social media, we need to take a hard look at it’s risks and pitfalls. But as we bring the gospel to bear on our social media use, we can ask God to shape our desires and impulses for what brings the longest good to our families.
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As a part of our Social Media mini-series, we’re digging deep into the impact of social media—on our brains, bodies, and hearts. In light of this, we’ve created “Wake Up! A Social Media Workbook.” This podcast companion helps you take Laura and Emily’s conversations further and apply them to your own life. In the workbook, you’ll find Scripture, questions, and a prayer relating to each episode. We encourage you to follow along week by week, completing the questions for each topic after the corresponding episode’s release.
For a complete list of all our recommended articles and books on social media, head over to our Social Media page
Mentioned on the Show:
*As we’re talking, we’ll be discussing addictions in a very broad way. We are not doctors, so please do not consider this professional medical advice. If you or someone you know is struggling with a significant, harmful addiction please seek out the help of a medical professional.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Deeper: Real Change for Real Sinners by Dane Ortlund. This book reminds us that we grow in Christ by going deeper into the gospel truths that first saved us. Drawing on wisdom from people in church history, Ortlund reminds readers to fix their eyes on Jesus in their battle against sin, living in light of his grace and their identity in him. Pick up Deeper wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
R|M Apply Questions:
Verse 1: Matthew 15:18 “But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart…”
Wake Up:
Off the cuff, what are some of your main thoughts when it comes to your social media use? Do you view it as “just for fun?” Or do you only think of the dangers? Something in between? Be honest!
Do you think you have an addiction to social media? What behaviors or clues led you to this conclusion?
Verse 2: Psalm 145:3 “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.”
What do you find as most worthy of your praise? Where are you looking for your deepest joy and satisfaction?
What habits or practices can you implement today around social media to orient your behaviors and desires around Christ and his Word above any other voice?
Walk in His Ways:
Father, I don’t want to be ruled by anything other than you. Help me to wake up to the risks and realities of social media platforms and exhibit self-control and self-discipline. Give me wisdom to engage well and keep my identity secure in you.
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