Interviews, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood Interviews, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood

Ep. 146 || Finding Rest in Advent

‘Tis the season of special Christmas parties at work and school. There are gift lists to check off and cookies to devour (we mean, deliver). There’s the Advent calendar and accompanying crafts, and someone needs to find the tree decorations. Is it just us or are you already tired? In this episode, Emily and Laura invite five women to share how they rest in Christ through this season of hustle and bustle. All of the good things we do—from present shopping to craft-making—can be an overflow of a heart that’s beholding God’s goodness in this season. Let’s pause to reflect on God’s greatest gift to us and the only One able to offer us true rest: Jesus Christ.

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Little Years, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood Little Years, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood

Ep. 81 || Celebrating Advent with Little Ones

One of the most exciting things we can teach our children is that Jesus came to earth as a tiny baby and that he’s coming back as the King. This past-and-future perspective is at the heart of the Advent season as we celebrate what has happened and wait expectantly for what is to come. On this episode, Emily and Laura explain the meaning of advent, sharing ways to celebrate, and encourage moms to find freedom in the Christmas season. Instead of running into the holidays with added pressure of one more thing, we can look to Christ and celebrate the gospel story in our homes from an overflow of joy.

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Home & Hospitality Risen Motherhood Home & Hospitality Risen Motherhood

Ep. 64 || Making a Home: Decorating for the Glory of God

Instagram and Pinterest-worthy spaces may have you feeling intimidated, jealous, or proud about the look and feel of your own home. But despite the trends or the tendency to make appearances too important, there is still value in serving others by creating a beautiful space for God's glory. In this episode, Emily and Laura explain the gospel's implications for beauty in the home, touching on everything from creating a functional space to using decorating for strategic ministry opportunities. Regardless of the size of the space or the size of the budget, mom can image God by drawing her children to His loveliness in all things - even through home decor!

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Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood

Ep. 42 || Making Christmas Traditions Matter

Someone important has already come, and is coming again. Have you told your children? Despite the busyness and the expectations around us, Advent is a perfect time to rest the hearts of our family on the Savior. But how exactly can we do that with small children or less-than-ideal-circumstances? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the opportunity we have to point our children to Jesus during Advent. They also share practical ideas for engaging children in the Christmas story, and encourage moms who feel like they can't live up to the Pinterest-perfect standards. Ultimately, it's the most wonderful time of the year, not because of the presents or the decorations, but because of a person.

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