Podcast Filtered By: Home & Hospitality
Ep. 122 || Building Friendships with Women in Different Seasons: An Interview with Elizabeth Woodson
Sometimes it feels like “mom world” is another planet. A nursing shield? An all-terrain stroller? Funny-shaped food? It seems easier to build friendships with women in our season of life, but the gospel gives us a bigger picture of community. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Elizabeth Woodson about building flourishing friendships with women in other seasons of life—particularly singles. Elizabeth is a Bible teacher who writes, teaches, and helps to develop leaders at The Village Church and serves as the Director of Resources for the Sparrow Conference. Christian moms and singles can have the most important thing in common: our faith in Christ. So press in a little deeper with a woman in a different season and enjoy God’s gift of community.
Ep. 78 || Birthday Parties: Celebrating God’s Good Work
From elaborate, Pinterest-worthy birthday bashes to simple celebrations with donuts and family, birthday parties can look wildly different in every family. But for moms today, planning a birthday party can feel a little like a competition against online strangers, our friends, and even ourselves. One thing all parties do is reveal a mom’s heart. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss birthday parties and ask, “What’s our heart motivation?” Since our worth is secure with Christ, moms can stop chasing perfection, even in something like party planning. The gospel invites us to see each birthday as pause for a yearly celebration of God’s work in our children’s lives.
Ep. 64 || Making a Home: Decorating for the Glory of God
Instagram and Pinterest-worthy spaces may have you feeling intimidated, jealous, or proud about the look and feel of your own home. But despite the trends or the tendency to make appearances too important, there is still value in serving others by creating a beautiful space for God's glory. In this episode, Emily and Laura explain the gospel's implications for beauty in the home, touching on everything from creating a functional space to using decorating for strategic ministry opportunities. Regardless of the size of the space or the size of the budget, mom can image God by drawing her children to His loveliness in all things - even through home decor!
Ep. 55 || Hospitality in the Little Years
Letting others into the imperfect mess of daily life is challenging in the easiest seasons, and holds particular stresses with little ones around. But should obstacles like disorganized toy rooms, meal planning, noise, and messes be a major deterrent to welcoming others in the name of Christ? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the biblical call to hospitality, and consider its importance, even in the season of young children. Because God welcomed us into his family when we were strangers at great personal cost to himself, we can extend that same welcome to others, even when it's not convenient.
Ep. 40 || To-Do Lists & How-Tos: Finding Practical Help in Motherhood
Have you ever felt unequipped for the practical responsibilities of motherhood? You're not alone! Most moms have feelings of confusion and insecurity when it comes to handling the in's and out's of diapering, discipline, and domestic management. In this scenario, most of us will be tempted to avoid the uncomfortable, place blame on our personalities, or put our hope in a "silver bullet" strategy for motherhood. Is there another way? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own insecurities coming into motherhood, and the ways they've grown as moms despite those challenges. Regardless of how well you were equipped for motherhood, God still calls you to trust Jesus and nurture the lives of those around you with joy and effectiveness.
Ep. 37 || Working Hard at Home: Emily's Story
As a child, Emily had visions of homemaking that included fresh-baked cookies, fun outings with children, and quiet afternoons of running errands. But after becoming a mom herself, she quickly realized that stay-at-home-motherhood wasn't as simple as she imagined. Without self-discipline, intentionality, and an industrious spirit, she was unable to stay-on-top-of the simplest child-rearing and homemaking responsibilities.
In this episode, you'll hear Laura and Emily discuss her journey as a stay-at-home-mom, and what finally helped her view motherhood as an important calling with eternal implications. When the gospel changes our identity, it also changes our mission. Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or not, this episode will challenge you to mother for God's glory and his kingdom purposes.
Ep. 07 || Dirt, Dishes & Diapers: Coping With The Never Ending Mess
This episode is for every mom who struggles to cope with the never-ending mess that comes along with the role of momma. Emily and Laura share their recent mommy-mess horror stories, and discuss the ways moms can find meaning in the mess. Take heart alongside them, understanding how moms can be image-bearers for the gospel as they restore order to the domain God has given them. Whether you consider yourself naturally messy or organized, this episode will help you evaluate what really matters - not the size of your laundry pile, but your heart.
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