Podcast Filtered By: Interviews


Moms & Work (Mini-Series), Interviews, Work Risen Motherhood Moms & Work (Mini-Series), Interviews, Work Risen Motherhood

Moms + Work 06: Be a Problem-Solver—An Interview with Phylicia Masonheimer

Snow days and sick days, unexpected meetings, appointments, and skipped naps—motherhood is full of so-called “distractions” to our work. When these things happen, what is our next move as we seek to honor God in our day-to-day responsibilities? How can we be purposeful as we pursue the work God has given us to do? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with author and Bible teacher Phylicia Masonheimer on practical ways to love the work of the home and manage daily demands. As we apply a right theology of work and motherhood to our lives, we can trust the Lord to give us the guidance and strength to run the race marked out for us.

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Moms & Work (Mini-Series), Interviews, Work Risen Motherhood Moms & Work (Mini-Series), Interviews, Work Risen Motherhood

Moms + Work 05: Listening to God's Leading in Work—An Interview with Portia Collins

Where do career dreams fit in with God’s calling on our lives as moms? For most of us, our capacity for income-producing work has likely ebbed and flowed as we’ve transitioned into motherhood, enrolled our kids in school, or added to our families. In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with Portia Collins, founder of nonprofit women’s ministry She Shall Be Called and Partner Development Specialist at Revive Our Hearts, on being faithful in full-time income-producing work, career ambitions, and motherhood. As we ask the Lord what he has for us in each season, we can view all of our work as an opportunity to serve, trusting that he is faithful to give and take for our good and his glory.

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Interviews, Bible Study, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Interviews, Bible Study, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 178 || Don’t Take My Word for It with Jen Wilkin

Can a mom really develop a personal understanding of the Bible in the season of young children? In this episode, Emily and Laura chat with author and Bible teacher, Jen Wilkin, about her passion for biblical literacy. Jen encourages moms to pursue a firsthand knowledge of scripture and gives practical examples of what this might look like. She offers encouragement to set aside larger blocks of time, get involved in a structured study with accountability, and consistently consume the word whenever and wherever you can. If you haven't been sure how an understanding of scripture can impact your role as a mom, you'll be so challenged and encouraged by this interview!

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Ep. 162 || John Piper’s Encouragement for Moms in Suffering

Read alouds aren’t just for our little ones. We can find great encouragement and joy in having the word of God read over us and explained. So in this special episode, Emily and Laura invite John Piper to read and reflect on what he considers to be the greatest chapter in the Bible, Romans 8. As he walks us through this incredible passage, John Piper connects its themes of suffering and loss to motherhood, encouraging us that no matter how deep the waters of our suffering, God’s unshakeable love is deeper still.

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Interviews, Rest & Self-Care Risen Motherhood Interviews, Rest & Self-Care Risen Motherhood

Ep. 153 || Can A Mom Actually Practice Sabbath?

Busy. Distracted. Overwhelmed. Worn out. Are these the inevitable characteristics of motherhood? Or is there another way? In this episode, Laura shares her journey from “hurry sickness” to rest. She helps clarify the biblical practice of Sabbath and explains how orienting one day of the week toward rest and worship can change all the other days. Even moms can find Sabbath rest as our hands do good while our hearts rest in the gospel!

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Interviews, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Interviews, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 152 || Mothering in a World of Differences

Dealing with differences can be hard. How do we engage with others who have very different life experiences, beliefs, or preferences than we do? How do we guide our children as they encounter these same challenges? In this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share how the truth that we’re all made in the image of God, or Imago Dei, impacts their motherhood and relationships. While it’s okay to be aware of our differences, the gospel reminds us that we’re all the same in one fundamentally important way—we’re created in the image of God. So whether we share many things in common or seemingly nothing at all, we can love our neighbors as God has loved us.  

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Interviews, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Interviews, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 151 || Motherhood When We Can’t See the Outcome

Does all of the time, effort, and heart we put into motherhood really make a difference? When we make meals that end up on the floor, wash load after load of laundry, and discipline our children for the same behaviors day after day, it’s easy to wonder if motherhood makes an eternal impact. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher (authors of Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women) about how moms matter in the redemptive story of the Bible. They help us see how God used the ordinary faithfulness of moms in scripture to lead to the birth of Jesus, and they encourage us that God is still working through moms just like us to carry out his plan of redemption in the lives of our children and beyond.

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Interviews, Disability, Mentor Mom Wisdom, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood Interviews, Disability, Mentor Mom Wisdom, Christian Growth Risen Motherhood

Ep. 147 || How Can I Help?: Loving the Friend Who Has a Child With Special Needs

Have you ever frozen as your child loudly asks why another child is in a wheelchair? Wondered how to check in with your friend after her child receives a difficult diagnosis? Felt unsure of how to encourage a mom who feels their child’s needs might be “too much” for the church to handle? In this special round table, Emily and Laura are joined by Abigail Dodds and Katie Blackburn to discuss what it’s like to raise a child with special needs and how others can show support. Whether you’re impacted directly or indirectly by the joys and challenges of this reality, we hope this show encourages and equips you to love moms who have children with special needs.

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Interviews, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood Interviews, Holidays & Celebrations Risen Motherhood

Ep. 146 || Finding Rest in Advent

‘Tis the season of special Christmas parties at work and school. There are gift lists to check off and cookies to devour (we mean, deliver). There’s the Advent calendar and accompanying crafts, and someone needs to find the tree decorations. Is it just us or are you already tired? In this episode, Emily and Laura invite five women to share how they rest in Christ through this season of hustle and bustle. All of the good things we do—from present shopping to craft-making—can be an overflow of a heart that’s beholding God’s goodness in this season. Let’s pause to reflect on God’s greatest gift to us and the only One able to offer us true rest: Jesus Christ.

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Interviews, Mentor Mom Wisdom, Family Relationships Risen Motherhood Interviews, Mentor Mom Wisdom, Family Relationships Risen Motherhood

Ep. 145 || The Grandparents Weigh In: Cultivating Gracious Family Relationships

Navigating the waters of grandparent-parent relationships can be difficult. How how much candy is too much? How do you invite them into your kids’ lives? How do you talk about boundaries? In this episode, Emily and Laura welcome their parents to the show to discuss how they honor one another in their differing roles and to work together to cultivate a gracious relationship. Whether you’re navigating a new grandparent relationship with your parents and in-laws or you are the grandparent, this episode is full of laughter, wisdom, and encouragement.

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Community, Interviews Risen Motherhood Community, Interviews Risen Motherhood

Ep. 137 || Walking & Learning Together: How Moms in the Local Church Help One Another

We see each other every week at church, but our relationships can grow into more than just a quick wave in the lobby while a toddler hangs from our knee. We’re supposed to the church body, supporting and caring for one another by God’s grace as we grow together in Christ. In this episode, the Risen Motherhood team shares how their local church communities have helped them in various seasons. The church plays a vital role in the Christian’s life, and while it’s not perfect, God uses the church to help us grow in wisdom and maturity.

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Interviews, Marriage, Little Years Risen Motherhood Interviews, Marriage, Little Years Risen Motherhood

Ep. 135 || The Husbands Weigh In: How Does the Gospel Shape Marriage in the Little Years?

Why does marriage feel so hard in the little years? After pouring your energy and brain power out for your kiddos, it’s easy to offer your spouse the leftovers. In this episode, Emily and Laura invite some very special guests on the show to talk about marriage with little ones: their husbands, Brad Jensen and Mike Wifler! Dates may look different, conversations may constantly be interrupted, and serving one another may look mundane, but the gospel can breathe new life into marriage. The gospel story reminds us of God’s faithfulness as he works in our hearts—and the joy of partnering with others in the process.

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