Whole 03: The Surprising Value of Learning in Motherhood
Can you imagine if we had a tally of all the things we’ve learned since becoming moms?! The trending baby gear, feeding strategies, discipline tactics, and so on—we’ve likely all absorbed more info than we ever planned in motherhood. So when it comes to learning and growing—to pursuing the Lord with all of our mind—how do we make room for it? In this episode, Emily and Laura help us navigate an info-at-our-fingertips world by giving us guideposts and questions to consider as we pursue knowledge. Lord willing, our curiosity will not only model the beauty of lifelong learning for our children, but will draw us closer to the Wellspring of all knowledge and truth himself.
Mentioned on the Show:
Matthew 22:27-38
Genesis 2:16-17
2 Timothy 4:3-4
Ecclesiastes 1:18
2 Timothy 3:6
Luke 2:46
Hebrews 5:8
Matthew 11:29
Matthew 28:19
Psalm 119:15-16
1 Corinthians 13:12
2 Corinthians 3:14-18
Daniel 1
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Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal
We’ve got your wheels turning, now it’s your turn to pray through and reflect on how each week’s topic could apply to your own day-to-day life. Let this journal be your safe place to think outside of your typical bounds, get a little creative, and write bold prayers.
Friendly reminder, mom to mom: every season of motherhood looks different, especially in terms of capacity! If you’re up all night with a newborn right now, “creativity” may look completely different than if you have school-aged kiddos. Give yourself grace and know you can print this journal out again and again, season by season!
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R|M Apply Questions:
Let’s take a step back and be honest with ourselves about our capacity to learn something new right now. What does your current season of motherhood look like, and where is your margin? What fills your time when you finally sit down on the couch or have that free moment for your mind to wander?
Read Matthew 22:27-38. Consider journaling or chatting with a friend about what it looks like to love the Lord with all of your mind. (Psst! It may be helpful to consider this question for heart, soul, and strength as well, even though our topic this week is knowledge. As whole people, each can inform the other!)
How does this command from God influence the things we pursue, research, learn about, and share with others?
In the show, Emily and Laura shared four practical tips to pursue learning in the busyness of motherhood. Which one are you trying first?
Start by identifying 1-2 topics you want to dive into (Psst! If you made a list of passions and interests from Ep. 1, this is a great place to start!)
Ask a mentor mom or wise woman in your life to have coffee or lunch with you, and ask intentional questions about a topic of interest
Purchase a course, handbook, or class and draw up a plan to work through it in the margins of your days. (Psst! There are tons of free resources out there, too! Most topics have applicable podcasts, YouTube videos, books available at the library, etc.)
Make a goal to apply 1-2 things you’re learning in your everyday life
Pray that the Lord would guard your heart in pursuing knowledge that is honoring to him and used for his plans and purposes—that we wouldn’t be like those in 2 Timothy 3:6, but instead grow in Christlikeness as we pursue truth.
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