

What We’re Still Talking About 03: Body Image

Whether we make time to sweat-it-out everyday or getting off the couch feels overwhelmingly difficult right now, most moms have noticed that our capacity for physical fitness varies from season to season. We might exercise for our health or because we long to “get our body back” after baby, but what does Scripture say about our motivations and time investments? In this live-recorded episode from The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference, Emily and Laura take a fresh look at what it means to pursue fitness in motherhood through the lens of the gospel. God created our bodies with purpose and intention, each to proclaim his glory—how might we honor his design in that today?

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What We’re Still Talking About 02: Interruptions

Have you ever hoped your day would go according to plan? Maybe it’s simply getting a moment to unload the dishwasher without a sibling squabble, or finally having hours on the calendar to finish that work project. Maybe your whole motherhood journey hasn’t gone the way you dreamed or expected. In this episode, Emily and Laura walk through a few questions we can ask ourselves as we grapple with inevitable interruptions. As we remember that God is Lord over our days and we willingly receive his plans, we can also trust that what he gives us is ultimately for our good.

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What We’re Still Talking About 01: Marriage

When Dad has to work late (again) and the kids’ bedtimes are still hours away, is there a gracious response to give? Although long days might leave a wife stuck in cycles of comparison with other families and even anger, God hasn't left her without hope and help. No matter the income-producing work balance between mom and dad, it can feel challenging to navigate family life alongside work responsibilities. In this episode, Emily and Laura look at the ways we can honor our husbands through busy work seasons, inflexible schedules, travel, and missed expectations. When our hope is rooted in Christ, we can trust that even when our husband’s meeting runs long or he’s called into work on a Saturday morning, God is our sure foundation and our greatest help.

*This show is intended to address the typical strains of balancing work and parenting within the context of healthy Christian marriages. If you’re in a marriage that is experiencing these tensions within the context of unconfessed sin or neglect, we encourage you to reach out to a trusted mentor, pastor, or counselor for help.

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Abide (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood Abide (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

Abide Bonus: 5 Tips for Scripture Memory

Surprise! We’re back with a bonus episode to help tackle the ‘how’ behind memorizing Scripture. We’ve spent some time exploring the ‘why,’ but we get that it can feel overwhelming to know where to begin. In this episode, Laura shares five practical tips for weaving Scripture memory into everyday rhythms. As you listen, we hope you feel equipped and excited to store up God’s Word in your heart (and bring your kids in on the fun!).

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Abide (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood Abide (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

Abide 05: Here’s Why You Should Memorize Scripture

School snacks, show-and-tell day, sports practices, meal prep, and more . . . with so many things to remember in motherhood, it makes sense why Scripture memory feels impossible. We wonder how we can make time for it, if it will really stick, or if we can save it for a day when life looks a little less chaotic. In this episode, Emily and Laura encourage us to consider the ways memorizing Scripture brings the life-giving hope we need in the busy seasons of motherhood. By hiding God’s Word in our hearts, we may be surprised at the ways it gives us joy, hope, and guidance the next time we face an unexpected sick day, run late for a meeting, or tackle our chore list.

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Abide (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood Abide (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

Abide 04: Truths for the Mom Experiencing Doubt

When doubt creeps in, it can feel suffocating: sometimes it’s in the middle of a mundane chore, other times it consumes our thoughts when we finally get a moment to ourselves. Is there hope when we doubt God? In this episode, Emily reads a collection of verses to meditate on as we navigate doubt in the throes of motherhood. As we reflect on the truths God reveals through his Word, we can cast our cares on him and trust his faithfulness. Because of Christ, we don’t have to hide our fears and questions—we pray these verses remind you that the Lord sustains and provides for his children in every season.

Note: We understand that spiritual doubts can arise from a wide variety of factors and causes. Please keep in mind that some instances of doubt may require professional counseling or pastoral care. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Abide (Mini-Series), Joy in Motherhood Risen Motherhood Abide (Mini-Series), Joy in Motherhood Risen Motherhood

Abide 03: Truths for the Mom Who Wants Joy

Whether we’re brand new moms or have decades of experience in motherhood, we’ve likely all come upon a moment or season when it’s hard to find true joy. When the calendar is filled to the brim with sports practices, our teen makes a cutting remark at the dinner table, another night’s sleep is interrupted, or motherhood just isn’t as picture-perfect as we always imagined, we need a well of joy that never runs dry. In this episode, Laura reads a collection of verses to meditate on as we seek true joy in motherhood. As these truths root deep into our hearts, we’ll see that looking to and thinking about the Lord, his work, and his promises can give us deep joy, even if we still experience grief and pain. We pray these verses bring an eternal hope as you look to him for joy in every season.

Note: We understand that the absence of joyful or hopeful feelings can have a wide variety of factors and causes. Please keep in mind that some instances of persistent sadness or depression may require professional counseling, pastoral care, or a medical doctor. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Abide 02: Truths for the Mom Who Feels Angry

Disobedience, nagging, interruptions, sibling squabbles, an attitude of entitlement, or just toys carelessly left all over the floor—there are plenty of opportunities to feel anger in motherhood. And when anger rises up in us, it’s tough to respond slowly and gently. Fortunately, God’s Word gives us hope and help. In this episode, Emily reads a collection of verses to meditate on when we feel angry as moms. When we fill our minds and hearts with the truths of Scripture, we can remember these words when anger tempts us to sin or despair. Next time you’re doing dishes, driving to work, or making lunches, we pray these verses encourage and transform you. The God of all sees your frustrations—he knows you and loves you deeply.

Note: We understand that anger covers a wide spectrum of responses and feelings. Please keep in mind that some instances and experiences of anger may require professional counseling, pastoral care, or a medical doctor. If you find yourself in a situation that feels much larger than the topics we cover in this series, we encourage you to seek help from professionals who are trained to care for you best in this struggle.

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Abide (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood Abide (Mini-Series) Risen Motherhood

Abide 01: The Thing You Really Need in Motherhood

When we’re struggling with mom guilt, burnout, keeping up with housework, and more, where should we turn for help and hope? While fresh resources, support from others, creative hacks, and advice from other moms are helpful and important, one source of truth outlasts and supersedes all others: God’s Word. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of God’s Word in the life of a mom, troubleshoot the most common barriers to studying it, and share the inspiration behind this Scripture-heavy series. As we study the story of God’s promises and faithfulness to his people throughout history, we can trust that he is faithful to work in our lives, too.

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Ask Us Anything Risen Motherhood Ask Us Anything Risen Motherhood

Ask Us Anything! Spring 2022 Edition

Whenever we ask the R|M community for questions, they range from lighthearted and practical to thought-provoking and theological, which makes the AUA show something special. In this one-hour conversation, Emily and Laura discuss how they’ve applied the gospel to their own lives as they answer listeners’ questions. In this episode, you’ll hear what they’ve learned in marriage and motherhood over the years, how they deal with mom jealousy and comparison, how they disciple their children with disabilities, their favorite life hacks, and more. As you listen, we hope you don’t feel pressure to do life just like them, but that you see the beauty of the gospel in motherhood as we grow and gain the perspective of time.

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Moms & Work (Mini-Series), Work Risen Motherhood Moms & Work (Mini-Series), Work Risen Motherhood

Moms + Work 07: Let’s Stop Being So Mean

Every mom does motherhood and work a little bit differently. A ton of factors are at play as each woman seeks to honor her own husband, care for children, serve the church, invest in the community, and glorify God in the marketplace. Instead of putting ourselves in another mom’s shoes, seeking to understand her situation or ask questions—we make a snap judgment, deeming her good or bad, faithful or unfaithful with little information. While there is a place for correction and tough conversations, left unchecked, our snap judgments about other moms can fuel pride and cause division. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss practical ways to love moms in our lives, even when we make different choices. When our identity is in Christ and we’re seeking faithfulness in our own lives, we learn from other moms who might do things differently.

Note: Not all moms have the luxury of choice when it comes to balancing day-to-day work and motherhood, and we understand that the consideration to honor our husbands is not applicable for single moms. No matter your season or circumstance, we pray this episode is an encouragement to you.

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Moms & Work (Mini-Series), Interviews, Work Risen Motherhood Moms & Work (Mini-Series), Interviews, Work Risen Motherhood

Moms + Work 06: Be a Problem-Solver—An Interview with Phylicia Masonheimer

Snow days and sick days, unexpected meetings, appointments, and skipped naps—motherhood is full of so-called “distractions” to our work. When these things happen, what is our next move as we seek to honor God in our day-to-day responsibilities? How can we be purposeful as we pursue the work God has given us to do? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with author and Bible teacher Phylicia Masonheimer on practical ways to love the work of the home and manage daily demands. As we apply a right theology of work and motherhood to our lives, we can trust the Lord to give us the guidance and strength to run the race marked out for us.

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