Moms + Work 06: Be a Problem-Solver—An Interview with Phylicia Masonheimer
Snow days and sick days, unexpected meetings, appointments, and skipped naps—motherhood is full of so-called “distractions” to our work. When these things happen, what is our next move as we seek to honor God in our day-to-day responsibilities? How can we be purposeful as we pursue the work God has given us to do? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk with author and Bible teacher Phylicia Masonheimer on practical ways to love the work of the home and manage daily demands. As we apply a right theology of work and motherhood to our lives, we can trust the Lord to give us the guidance and strength to run the race marked out for us.
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As a part of our Moms + Work series, we’ve created a new workbook to help moms process through their income-producing endeavors. If you are currently considering changes to your income-producing work—whether that’s taking a job for the first time as your family enters a new season, scaling back because you’ve added another child, or debating whether or not to go back to work after your first baby, this workbook is for you. Filled with questions to help you consider logistics and practical execution, as well as take you deeper with heart motivations and desires, this workbook can be done alone or with your spouse.
We understand that the decision to pursue income-producing work is different for all moms, each with a unique set of circumstances. No matter your season, we pray this workbook is of service to you. This will correspond with Episode 3 of the Moms + Work mini-series, but can be done at any time.
Mentioned on the Show:
“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” – Dr. John Trainer
R|M Apply Questions:
Read Genesis 2-3. Phylicia points out that when sin entered the world in Genesis 3, it introduced resistance and corruption to work–not the concept of work itself. How does this distinction help you see the goodness of work and the ways the fall affects your work?
Think about the week ahead and the potential interruptions that could come up, whether it’s a sick child, an unexpected snow day, or the babysitter falling through. What would it look like to shift your mentality from being stuck to being a problem-solver?
Write out Proverbs 16:9: “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Make it a goal to memorize this verse, and recite it to yourself when plans begin to shift course.
Phylicia discusses the ways we’re tempted to add responsibilities to our plates that are good things, but may not be what God is calling us to in a particular season. When you think about what God has called you to do in this season, are there tasks that should be paused to best serve your work in motherhood?
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