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Ten Phrases for the Teenage Years
Through the tumultuous years of parenting teens, we can look to a steady Savior who promises to grow and go with us always.
A Gospel Dressing Room
Just as we willingly (and repeatedly!) stand by to help our children get dressed, so is the Spirit pleased to help us daily put on Christ’s righteousness.
Mothering the Mothers
As we shift into being the “older mom” in our circles, we can powerfully invest in those coming up behind us by remembering rightly, sharing freely of ourselves, and pointing to the Living Bread.
Planted in the Love of God: Breaking Free from Performance Anxiety
When we find roots of performance-based identity and idolatry in our hearts (or our children’s), we can turn in faith to the only One who did meet the mark—Jesus.
Care and Control: Teenage Edition
When we wrestle with our deep care and desire to control outcomes for our older kids, we can put our hope in God—the Care-full Controller of all things.
Resident Aliens: Showing Hospitality to Your Teens
The teenage years give us new opportunities to welcome our kids—and all their emerging changes—with the hospitality and humility of Christ.
Growing Gospel Resilience in Our Children
Our response to sin and failure provides a unique opportunity to put gospel truth into practice for our kids.
The Best Choice: Bringing Christ into Our Decision-Making
In a world full of dizzying options and opinions, Luke 10 reminds us that Christ alone is our one necessity.
Where to Next?
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